4 | accident

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The rest of the day went by smoothly

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The rest of the day went by smoothly. Edward had continued to walk her to all her classes, even sat with her during lunch. He had offered her to sit with the rest of the family but she wanted to get to know him better without pressure from the family and she knew there was tension between them all due to Edward getting closer to Amara.

She walked towards her car, her brother already there. He looked at her smugly as he noticed Edward walking behind her. He was glad that his sister was happy and was smiling more often. He better than anyone knew that she deserved a chance at happiness. As she walked towards the car, Alec noticed that she was suddenly frowning.

Before anyone could register, a Tyler's car sped towards Bella's car which was next to the Moira's car. Amara didn't even think before she ran towards Bella, pulling her out of the way. Both girls landed on the ground next to Bella's truck. Amara had landed on her arm, resulting in her letting out a pained grunt. She knew she had bruised her elbow, if not dislocated it. Both girls could hear the chaos around them but were both trying to comprehend what has just happened. It was so loud and so much was happening it was hard to figure out where to start.

"Thank you," Bella says breathlessly. The brunette couldn't believe what had just happened. She definitely didn't think Amara would save her, considering the resentment she held towards her for stealing Edward from her.

Edward ran towards them, pulling Amara into his arms. He couldn't believe that she would put herself in danger like that. For a moment he feared that he had almost lost her and his senses were going into overdrive. He needed her close to soothe his instincts.

Amara wrapped her arms around him, feeling his distress, "I'm okay. Breathe."

Edward sighed, removing his head from her neck, "Never do that again. I can't believe you would put yourself in danger like that." He hated knowing he could have lost her and done nothing about it. He didn't even process what she had done till it was too late.

Before she could reply, Alec walked up behind them. Amara pulled away from Edward, hugging her brother. Alec frowned at his sister, "I'm glad you're okay but Edward is right, you shouldn't have out yourself in danger like that."

Amara didn't have time to respond to her brother before an ambulance pulled up. Amara was put in the gurney with Edward by her side. He refused to leave her side after having almost lost her. Alec understood what Edward was going through as he almost had a panic attack, afraid of what might happen to his little sister. He followed the ambulance and got to the hospital to find Amara still on the gurney and Edward standing by her side. He joined and grabbed his sisters hand, terrified that he almost lost her. None of them spoke as the nurse walked in, she wrapped up Amara's arm in a bandage after cleaning out the wound. Luckily there wasn't much blood and the bruise would disappear in a few weeks. For the time being she would need to clean the wound every morning and make sure she stayed away from sports for a while.

After the nurse walked out, a rather handsome doctor walked in. "I've got it from here," he spoke, making his way towards. He stood by the bed, "How are you feeling, Miss Moira?" She was honestly feeling fine. She was glad that both her parents were at work and that Alec reassured them he would take care of her.

Amara sighs, sitting up on the bed, "I'm fine. I don't feel lightheaded or nauseous. And the nurse cleaned out my wound pretty good." Both Edward and Alec sighed in relief, knowing she was fine. They both hated that she was as in this situation.

Doctor Cullen nods his head in understanding, "That's good to hear. You don't seem lightheaded and responded to all my questions without any deliriousness. I've prescribed some pain killer. Make sure you clean the wound everyday so that it doesn't get infected. It was nice meeting you, Miss Moira."

Amara smiled, "Thank you, Dr.Cullen."

Amara sighed, getting out of the bed. Alec moved to help his sister and Edward trailed behind the twins. Alec sat Amara down on a chair in the waiting room while he went to grab her prescription.

She noticed that Edward was staring down the hall, where is family stood and noticed how angry Rosalie was. She couldn't exactly blame her, considering the secret that they were keeping.

"You can go over to them, you know?"

Edward sighs, sitting down next to her, "It's fine. They need to understand that I'm not letting you go and respect my wishes. Are you sure you're okay?" He didn't care what his family thought, at this point her was breaking all the rules. He needed her.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, "I'm fine. Tired but I'm okay."

"You scared me. Don't ever put yourself in danger like that. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you. I've waited long enough for you." Amara could feel his anguish and decided that she really needed to tell him what she was.

"I wasn't going to let a human die, especially if I could do something about it."

Edward frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You're not the only one with secrets, Cullen."

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