10 | secret

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"She knows," Amara spoke

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"She knows," Amara spoke.

"What?" Edward questioned in confusion, "Who knows what?"

Amara sighed, "Bella knows your secret, she knows you're a vampire and that your family is too. I don't know how but I think a certain Black might have something to do with it and she's too curious for her own good."

Edward growled, "I told her to leave it. I told her to stay away from my family and you but clearly she didn't listen."

Amara placed a hand on his cheek to soothe him, "I know you're angry but you know you can't kill her. I know this brings a danger to your family but you need to talk to her. You don't want the Volturi to intervene. This is dangerous. I also don't want her to find out about my family which I know will be highly unlikely anyway."

Edward sighed slowly, "I know. I don't want her to put your family in danger either or my own. We need to talk to her. If I talk to her on my own, I don't know what I'll do. She's still my blood singer and I haven't gotten used to her blood. Just because I want her to have nothing to do with me, doesn't mean I want to kill her."

"So, you really are a vampire?  Bella questioned

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"So, you really are a vampire?  Bella questioned.

Edward sighed and tightened his grip on Amara's hand slightly, "I am but you cannot tell anyone. There are very dangerous people out there that don't want humans to know our secret. You have to keep this to yourself. I don't care if you're my blood singer. No one can know."

Bella nodded in agreement, "I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. What is a blood singer?" Amara was seriously getting annoyed with all the questions. She understood that Edward needed to warn her but she felt like he was entertaining the idea that she could mean something to him.

"Good. A blood singer is a human whose blood is the most alluring thing to a vampire. Everyone has a different blood singer and I guess you're mine," Edward explained. Amara frowned, she didn't like the way that Bella was looking at Edward. Like she thought the fact that she was Edward's blood singer would change anything.

"If I'm your blood singer, what is Amara to you?" This caused Amara to glare at the brunette. Just because she was his blood singer, didn't mean she meant anything to him. Edward wrapped his arms around his beloved, afraid she would hurt herself. He honestly didn't care about Bella but that didn't mean he wanted Amara to have her blood on her hands.

"As a blood singer the only thing that appeals to me is your blood. But Amara is my mate. My other half. She completes me. She's the person I'm suppose to spend the rest of my existence with. She the person I always think about. She makes me happy. She is all I need. I love her," Edward spoke while looking at his mate. Amara smiled before pecking his lips lightly.

"I love you too," she replied. Bella frowned at the couple. She knew she was never going to get Edward so why keep trying. She had called for him but he clearly wasn't hers.

Suddenly a feeling washed over Amara and she froze. Edward looked at her in question and she just shook her head in denial.

Something bad was going to happen soon.

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