7 | family

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"I want you to meet my family," Edward spoke Friday morning

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"I want you to meet my family," Edward spoke Friday morning. Amara froze. He wanted her to meet his parents? She knew she loved him but she wasn't sure if she was ready for it. Her own parents had pressured her into bringing Edward to meet the family.

"You want me to meet the family?"

Edward smiled, "Yes. I want them to get to know you and love like I know they will. You mean everything to me and I want them to get to know you. I hate having to listen to Rosalie talk about you like she can and she doesn't even know you."

He knew that his family was wary of Amara and her knowing their secret. He hadn't told them about her secret as he wanted her to be the one to tell them but he hated that he couldn't.

"Okay. I will," she smiled. She was honestly terrified as she had never meet anyone's parents. She didn't do relationships so she never got to the stage of meeting parents. She knew how important his family was to him and knew for his sake, she had to.

"Great. I'll pick you at 11 tomorrow morning."

Amara hated to admit it but she was nervous, even after all the encouragement that Edward had given her

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Amara hated to admit it but she was nervous, even after all the encouragement that Edward had given her. She knew how much this meant to him so she put in a lot of effort. Conversation between the two in the ride over was effortless. Edward tried to ease her nerves and for a while it worked. Until they pulled up to the house.

"Wow, it's beautiful," she smiled when she sees the house.

"What? Expected coffins or moats?"

Amara chuckled, "Of course not. Considering how old you are, I'm sure you would understand and appreciate style. It truly is beautiful."

"Thank you. I'm sure Esme will appreciate the compliment." He walked her into the house towards the kitchen where the rest of the family was.

"This is Esme and Carlisle, my parents for all intent purposes. This is Rosalie and Emmett. Alice and Jasper should be here soon. This is Amara." Esme moved forward to hug the dark haired girl while Carlisle shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Amara. I'm glad Edward had finally found his soulmate. We're making lasagna for you." Amara could hear the sincerity in her voice. She knew that Esme cared about Edward and saw him as her real son and truly wanted him to be happy.

"It's nice to meet you again, Amara," Carlisle smiles.

"You too, Dr.Cullen."

"Please, call me Carlisle." Amara smiled in response until she heard Rosalie scoff.

She knew that the blonde didn't like the fact that a human knew their secret but she didn't know the truth and couldn't understand why he would want to be with a human.

Before Amara could respond, Alice and Jasper walked into the kitchen. Amara had gotten to know Alice through class as the pixie wasn't afraid to get to know her and didn't care what anyone else thought about the friendship. Jasper was her partner for a project in AP English and they had gotten to know each other better recently.

"Hey, Amara. It's good to see you again," Alice smiled as she hugs the dark haired girl who wasn't much taller than her.

"It's nice to see you too Alice. You too Jasper."

"Likewise, ma'am." One thing that Jasper liked about Amara was the fact her blood was appealing to him in any way. In fact, whenever she was around, he felt calm. He didn't have to worry about losing control whenever she was around. He even considered her a close friend.

"Are we seriously just going to forget that a human knows our secret? What if the Volturi find out? Did anyone think about the consequences?" Rosalie questioned in anger.

Amara sighed, "You're implying I'm human." She could feel the confusion radiating off everyone. She knew she had the scent of a human but that just made it easier to blend in with the human population.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm part witch and part Angel making me a shadowhunter. I'm immortal, been trained to use every weapons and in hand to hand combat and I also have powers. Most to protect myself but others come in handy. It's our duty to protect human. As far as your Volturi are concerned, they won't be a problem."

Carlisle smiled, "It's been a long time since I've meet a shadowhunter. The last went by the name of Maryse."

"That's my mother," Amara spoke confused. She didn't know that her mother had known Carlisle.

Esme smiled, "Why don't we let Amara eat before Edward gives her a tour of the house." They did just that. After she had eaten Edward began showing her around the house.

"Graduation caps. Seriously?"

Edward chuckled, "Our own personal joke." They continued walking until the finally reached his room, last stop of the tour. "This is my room."

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