8 | jealousy

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Amara had agreed to join to Cullen's for lunch

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Amara had agreed to join to Cullen's for lunch. After having meet the family, she got along with all of them exceptionally well. She and Rosalie had even become close friends, something the rest of the family did not see coming. Both females had found a common ground and did their best for the sake of their families to get along. Edward had meet her family and he got along well with both her parents. Max liked him too but Alec was still apprehensive as Amara was his twin and he had protected her his entire life.

"Come shopping with us this weekend?" Alice asked. Edwards laughed, knowing his mate hated shopping.

Amara smacked his arm, "Rude. I would love to go shopping with you, Alice." It's not like she had any plans since Edward was going hunting with the rest of the guys.

Rosalie smiled, "Great. You can ride with us after school and spend the weekend."

Amara nodded, "Sounds good. My parents are away this weekend with Max anyway and I'm sure Alec is going down to the Rez." Amara had finished her lunch but she was still hungry so Edward had offered to grab her something.

He got up and grabbed her a sandwich and an apple before Bella had walked up to him. She tried making conversation but could see that he wasn't interested and was only trying to be polite. She hated that Amara had gotten her grip around him. Bella had a crush on Edward, one that everyone knew about.

Amara couldn't help the jealousy, she loved him but hated that Bella thought she could steal him from her. Bella needed to learn to stay away from people that didn't belong to her.

Amara, unable to handle the hostility from Bella, grabbed her things and walked outside. No one from the family moved to stop her as they knew Edward would be the only to pacify her.

"Amara?" Edward softly spoke from behind her.

Amara sighed, "I shouldn't feel this way but I hate her. I don't like the way that she looks at you, like nothing is stopping her from getting what she wants. She's rude and completely hostile towards me and I don't even know her. Part of me feels that the only reason why she still talks to you is because you're so polite. I know it's not your fault but I still hate it. She had to understand that she can't always have what she wants. You're mine." Edward knew that she was angry but he didn't know she felt this way. He had no feelings whatsoever for Bella and he had told her this. To him, the only person that mattered was Amara.

He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I love you, Amara Moira. You have no reason to be angry because you're the only one I want to be with. You mean the world to me and nothing is going to change that. I don't care what Bella thinks or if she wants me, you are all I want. I will fight anyone that gets in between us. I will always fight for you. Please, don't be mad, love."

Amara turned around in his arms, pouting, "She's still looking at you. I don't like it."

Edward grinned, "How about we give her something to look at?" Before Amara could reply, he placed his lips on hers. The kiss quickly deepened as she placed her arms around his neck. Their lips moved in sync, slowly, taking their time. However, the need to breathe became dominant and Amara pulled away.

"Now that is something I can get use to," she spoke breathlessly.

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