11 | baseball

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Amara woke up early, wanting to take a shower and wash her hair

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Amara woke up early, wanting to take a shower and wash her hair. Like every morning since they met, Edward was picking her up. She made her way downstairs and kissed both her parents on the cheek before kissing her little brother on the head.

"Bye guys," she yelled as she walked out of the door. She walked towards Edward who was leaning against his Volvo and pecked him on the lips before she opened the passenger side of the car. With Edward's driving, they were at the school in seven minutes. Amara got out of the car with Edward following close behind.

"I'll see you in Biology," she smiled as she pecked his lips.

Amara breezed through her classes, anxious to be with Edward for some reason. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon.

When she got to the class, she found Edward sat by himself so she moved to sit next to him. Mr. Molina had told them they could sit wherever they wanted as they were watching a movie.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked as she sat down next to him. Bella walked into the classroom, wondering why Amara was sat in her seat but from the way Edward looked at Amara, she didn't press the matter and sat behind them instead.

Amara sighed, "I'm fine. I honestly don't why I'm getting so worked up over nothing." She knew it wasn't nothing, her mother had always told her to trust her instincts but she didn't want Edward to worry.

Edward nodded but dropped the subject, "I would love for you to join our family for baseball tomorrow."

Amara smiled, "I would love to."

Edward had told her he would pick her up to play baseball with her family

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Edward had told her he would pick her up to play baseball with her family. Amara had asked him if he could meet her parents since he already knew her brother and she had already meet his family. When Amara walked downstairs, Edward was sat at the table conversing with her parents and little brother. She was glad that he got along with her family and wasn't afraid to get to know them. He was important to her but her family meant everything to her and she was glad he understood that.

"Are you ready to go?" Amara asked as she walked over to them. Edward smiled at his mate before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I like him," her father spoke. Amara grinned at her parents for giving them both a kiss on the cheek. She was happy that her parents liked Edward. It would have been very awkward if they didn't. Edward and Amara walked out of the house into Emmett's Jeep that she assumed he borrowed.

"So why are we playing baseball today?"

Edward smiled, "It's an American pastime. Plus there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why." Amara nodded even if she had no idea what he was talking about.

When they finally got there, Esme and Emmett greeted the shadowhunter while the rest of the family set up.

"Good thing you're here. We need an umpire," Esme smiled as she hugged Amara.

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett smirked.

Amara grinned, "You probably do cheat." Emmett gasped in fake shock as Edward and Esme laughed.

"Call 'em as you see 'em, Amara."

"It's time," yelled Alice. Rosalie was the first to bat and as she struck the ball, you could hear a crack of lightning and the ball zoomed towards the forest.

"Now I get why you need lighting," Amara spoke in shock.

The game was in full swing until Alice screamed.

"Stop! I didn't see them," she spoke. They all stop. Edward was immediately at Amara's side. The family instantly gathered at home plate.

"They were traveling so quickly," Alice sighed.

"You said they left the county," Rosalie replied.

"They did, but then they heard us and changed their minds," Alice spoke facing Edward. Amara could feel the distress radiating off her soulmate but there was nothing she could do. Soon enough three figures emerged from the forest lining.

Shit was about to go down.

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