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Morning came quicker than I expected. I guess after getting three hours of sleep, max for a week makes you more tired than you think. I was really glad it was a Sunday. I'm not ready for school again. I was facing the back wall of the couch and I glanced down at my watch. It was 9:04am, not too late. Though I did get 8 hours of sleep. I felt refreshed, reminding myself that Will and El are both back and safe. 

I shifted around the couch, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The first thing I saw was El, kneeling on the floor next to the couch. Was she waiting for me to wake up? That is amazing of her, considering she's probably starving. I smiled and something extreme blurted out of my mouth. 

"Morning, beautiful," I said. And then about ten seconds later, I finally realized what I said. 

I just called her beautiful. I mean of course that is true. But we just came back from the events of this week! I can't stress her out like that. What if she knows that I like her?!

A huge smile appeared onto El's face. It erased all of my worries and thoughts from waking up. It made her happy. I stared into her pretty brown eyes until releasing myself from this trance. I sat up on the couch and fixed my hair up a little. 

"Good morning Mike," she replied 

"Did you sleep well?" I asked. I felt my face still beaming red. 

She nodded and smiled. I heard her stomach grumbling from feet away. 

"Let's get something to eat," I said as we darted up the stairs laughing at her stomach. 


Beautiful. He thinks I'm beautiful! I know that's more than pretty. Holly called me that last night and she looked at me similar to how Mike looks at me. That look made me so glad. 

I saw Mike pull a yellow box out of the freezer and I immediately jumped up in excitement. He smiled at me, but I couldn't help it. They taste so good! 

He popped four Eggos into the toaster. Minutes later, he came by me and placed the plate of Eggos and a glass of milk in front of me. We sat and ate together alone, because everyone else had already finished breakfast hours before. Holly was at daycare, Mike's mom was at the grocery store, Mike's dad was with his friends and Nancy was still asleep upstairs. 

Before Mike even got half-way done with his first eggo, I was already finished with both of mine, including gulping down the delicious glass of milk. I felt a slight blush as Mike looked over at me and laughed. 


She's too cute. 

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