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Mr. Brenner

She honestly believes another 13 year old can get past me and my lab. My brother was weak for letting a couple of kids kill him. Weak! 

I sat in front of one of the most potential powerful people on the planet. With her, we may never be looked down upon again. We may gain ultimate world power and be feared by everyone and everything. 

I made sure Eleven never left my sight for the next couple days. I made sure she was comfortable, so I offered her a bed and food, but she would take none of it. She doesn't trust me yet. But she will. 

She will. 


I was sitting across the dinner table with Eight. It was taco night, so we put the different ingredients in the middle of the table and let everyone choose which ones they would want in their taco. It was delicious and it feels really amazing to be back in my home. 

A knock was heard at the door. I arose from my seat and opened it to reveal someone I haven't seen in nearly two weeks. 


I looked at him while he was covered in the fanciest of clothes wearing his shades. I told him to come into the house and he sat down on a couch in my living room. 

"Is everything alright?" I asked. 

"I saw Two yesterday. She's supposed to be in the Upside Down where she is safe, but I found her in this dimension. When I saw her, I was talking to her, but her voice kept moving. It was like she was jumping dimensions every time we spoke." 

"Wait hold on. How did you return here?" 

"Six. He's safe as well and he found this girl named Madison. Apparently, she found him and took him into her house for a few days until he was safe in the main world." 

That sounds familiar. Aka Mike and Eleven. 

He continued," Madison is awesome. Once I found Six, he told me he was going to marry that girl one day. So cute!" 

I gave a small laugh. 

"Anyway, so what's up with Two?" I asked, returning back to the conversation. 

"Her interstellar movement is glitching. The work of Mr. Brenner I would say." 

"Mr? Isn't he a Dr?" 

"No, not his brother," he informed. I nodded. "Though this may be helpful for anyone living in the main dimension. Like Eleven, Seven or Four. Two stays in the first dimension mostly." 

"I think Eleven could help. She's the one who saved me and Eight." 

"Good, we're all going to be safe soon," He said before standing up and leaving.


I was looking through the papers again. Some of them began to vanish. First Eleven's paper, then One's and then Eight's. I guess the ones that are safe disappear because there's no need to save them anymore. The papers for Five and Six vanished with them. 

I stumbled upon Two's paper. It had a usual riddle along with a picture of her. Her hair wasn't shaved. Instead she had jet black hair and deep brown eyes. Her skin was the color of coffee. Her paper was the only one with a picture of her. I guess El had never seen her in person either. 

I looked down at my watch and saw it was nearly 3:00pm. I had to meet the guys for Dungeons and Dragons so I hopped on my bike and peddled over to Lucas' house. 

When I walked in, Dustin was already there, buckling his helmet atop his head. Lucas gave me a pat on the back and I smiled at him. We walked out to our bikes and began to head towards Will's house. 

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