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She warned me but I didn't listen. I had the same itchy voice and stuffed nose as El told me yesterday. It was Tuesday morning when I slithered out of bed and grabbed the box of tissues and pack of cough drops and started walking downstairs, barely seeing out of my restless eyes.

The sound of sneezes filled the atmosphere as I walked down the stairs to where El slept. She was standing by her clothes, coughing into her arms as she tried to pick out something to wear. She turned around and smiled at me for a while until she noticed my face.

"Woah. What happened to you?" El giggled in her still stuffed voice.

"You got me sick," I replied in my deeper voice.

"Hey!" she said and walked towards me. "I told you would get sick if you kissed me."

"I hate you."

"I love you too," El said and wrapped her hands around me as I did the same.

We stayed in the basement for a while until my mom came downstairs. It was time to leave for school, but El was still in bed coughing and I was sitting on the couch with a blanket over me, sneezing. We both had bags underneath our eyes, our hair uncombed and our noses red as if we were both Rudolph the red nose reindeer.

"Mike it's time for school," my mom screamed from the top of the stairs. I didn't answer so she came downstairs to see us both sick.

"Mom," I groaned.

"Sweetie, you two are not going to school," she smiled a little at our both sick states. "El how are you feeling?"

"A little better, thank you," she wheezed.

"That's good. I'll bring some medicine and some soup down when I get back. Bye guys," my mom informed.

"Thanks mommy," I said as she walked up the stairs and closed the basement door behind her.

"My boyfriend still calls his mother, mommy," El laughed and I threw a pillow at her. She caught it before it could hit her.

"Ugh this is so annoying. I feel cold one moment and hot the other moment."

"Me too."

"Here come's the hot," I said as I threw the blanket over to the side of the couch and walked over to El. I sat on the bed next to her. I  felt myself staring at her for a moment. Wow, her eyes are so beautiful. She smiled back noticing me staring.

"What?" she smiled. I blushed and immediately looked away.




"Why were you staring?"

She caught me. A small smile formed on my burning face until I finally answered.

"You'e really pretty," I said and she smiled her beautiful smile.

"I'm sick."


"So my nose is red and my eyes are barely open and I feel-"

I stopped her from going on and kissed her.

"You're beautiful no matter what."

"And you're not," she jokingly said and fell on her back onto the bed.

"Well then," I started, getting off the bed. "I guess I'll go back to my room. Upstairs. Without you."

"NO NO, Mike. I'm sorry. You're really, really attractive," she blushed and I turned around.

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