Chapter 3

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"Well let's bring you back on deck. We're going to be shoving off soon." Hanji said. Eren nodded and they headed back onto the deck. It was filled with activity. Riggers swung around, mates went about doing other things, others were talking near the wheel, pointing at a map. A few were just joking around.

Eren watched as they pulled away from the port city. It was a weird feeling watching where he'd lived for so long get smaller as they sailed away. He didn't miss it. Not one bit. He was excited. He was out on the sea. He was happy.

Just then, the captain's door flung open. Eren turned to see a man with dark hair styled with an undercut with the top layer going down to just above his ears walk out. He was short in stature, but he had this intimidating look with a cold piercing blue eye, and the eye patch only added to it.

"Captain!" Hanji squealed, running at the man. The man sidestepped and dodged her attempt at a hug.

"Damn four eyes." Hanji pouted as she sat up.

"You let Isabel hug you." The man rolled his eye.

"I don't let he-"

"Big Bro!" A girl with red hair held in pigtails and green eyes said, jumping off the quarter deck and wrapping her arms around the man's neck. The man sighed and grabbed her arms, peeling her off him.

"Isabel, what have I told you about jumping on the damn ship?" The girl puffed out a cheek.

"That I could hit my head and bleed all over the floor and stain the damn wood." The man nodded.

"Exactly. Now, what the fuck do you want Hanji?" She jumped up, but then frowned as she looked around.

"One second... where did- Found him!" Hanji ran over to Eren and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the man. "This is the new cabin boy, Eren! Eren, this is the captain on the Maria, Levi." Eren looked down to the man and swallowed. His gold eye began to tingle.

"Captain." Eren said. The captain scrunched up his nose.

"Where the hell did you pick him up? An alleyway?" Hanji laughed.

"That's exactly where I found him! He was about to get mugged!" Levi shook his head.

"And you brought him onto my clean ship looking like THAT?" He motioned to Eren.

"Well, we were on a tight schedule Captain. We didn't have time to bathe him and buy him new clothes in town. It was a quick stop, remember?" Levi sighed.

"Whatever. How old are you brat?" Eren made a face.

"Seventeen." Levi clicked his tongue.

"You've resorted to kidnapping? Great. Now we got to turn the damn ship around and return him before his fucking parents-"

"Captain, I have no parents." The ship quieted. The only sound being the waves. The captain sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Orphans? You're recruiting orphans?" Eren growled.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Levi turned his blue eye to Eren.

"Yes, you're fucking filthy. Erwin! Get this little shit cleaned up! And then I want the three of you in my quarters afterwards." And he returned to his room. Eren was fuming.

"Short shit." Eren said under his breath, but those around him heard and Hanji and Isabel began to laugh.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Hanji said. Isabel nodded before reaching out her hand.

"Hey! My names Isabel! I'm the carpenter!" Eren nodded and shook her hand.

"Well, let's go get you cleaned! Levi won't let you even touch his door without doing so." Eren smirked.

"Really?" He walked over to the door and touched it, leaving a nice dirty hand print on the clean wood. Hanji and Isabel began to laugh again as the crew just stared, a few even gasped.

"I like him!" Isabel said. Hanji nodded.

"I know right! Now come on Eren, before grumpy gills finds out." So Erwin, Hanji, and Eren went down to bathe the cabin boy.

"Um, Hanji, could you step out?" Eren had asked as they entered one of the rooms on a lower part of the hull. Hanji didn't finish the tour of the damn ship. Under the floor that held the bucks, was the floor that held all ammunition and guns and swords and things of the sort, but it also held bathing rooms, that had pipes connecting to the keel and actually pumped water from the ocean and heated it to make running water for baths.

"Why?" She asked, filling a wooden tub. Eren looked between her and Erwin.

"She's kidding... right?" Eren asked. Erwin sighed and shook his head.

"Kidding about what? Oh! You're not comfortable with a girl seeing you naked. Well kid, I'm going to tell you this. I have seen everyone on this ship, besides the captain, naked. More than once might I add. You're going to have to get used to it. And I'm the surgeon, I'll see you naked during your physicals. Speaking of which, I might as well give you one now." She pulled a small notebook from her pocket.

"What?" Eren nearly shrieked. "Why?" Hanji licked the tip of her pencil before turning the water off.

"I'd hurry up and get in while the water's warm." She said. "Oh, and take your patch off for now. Don't want to get it wet and you need to actually wash your face." Eren just stared at her and Hanji rolled her eyes. "Erwin." The blond sighed.

"Eren, if you don't get used to this now, I'm afraid you won't make it long on this ship." Eren sighed. He wasn't getting out of this. He slowly began to take his clothes off. As he pulled down his pants, he heard something drop. When he looked up, he saw Hanji's jaw had dropped and her pencil was no longer in her hand.

"How can a seventeen year old have a body like THAT!" She squealed, picking her pencil up and writing furiously, looking back and forth between Eren's mostly naked body and her notebook. She stopped and glared at him. "Take your underwear off and get in the damn tub."

"B-B-But-" Hanji stood and walked over to him.

"Eren, I'm sorry to make yo uncomfortable, but if I get the physical done now, we don't have to do it later. And you need to bathe. Just hurry it up." Eren sighed as he finished stripping and after standing there awkwardly while Hanji finished writing a few things down, he got in the tub.

"This is weird." Eren said as he washed himself. Hanji sighed.

"If it makes you feel better Eren, I have a boyfriend." Eren slowed his washing and looked to her.

"You do?"

"Shocking, I know." Erwin said, getting elbowed by the only woman in the room.

"Oh shut it. You're only jealous that Mike and I are together and you haven't found anyone." Erwin leaned against the wall.

"Mike?" Eren asked. Hanji smiled as she turned to him.

"Yes. He's the head chef. I'll introduce you later." Eren nodded slowly as he continued to wash the dirt off his body. Erwin left the room to go get Eren new clothes so that his could be washed. "Eren, I have to ask you a question."

"Go ahead." Hanji sighed as she sat on the edge of the tub.

"Open your gold eye." Eren did so and Hanji looked at it, gently touching the skin around it. She hummed as she wrote something down.

"What?" She closed the notebook.

"Eren, has your eye ever felt weird?" Eren crossed his arms, thinking.

"Well... it felt kind of tingly when I met the Captain." Hanji nodded and quickly wrote that in her notebook.

"All right. I'm going to ask you some basic questions now, just to get an idea of your health." And so she asked her questions and once Erwin returned, Eren got dressed and they headed to the Captain's quarters.

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