Chapter 13

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Eren put on the compass Hanji had given him, and used one of the other boats left on the ship to go ashore. Everyone had been yelling at him, but Eren didn't really follow orders since he stepped foot on the Maria, so this really wasn't anything new for him. Once Eren was on the island, he fell to his knees as the pain surged up again. He had never felt this pain before. It was like a prickling sensation, but it was also cold, very cold. Eren looked at the compass and followed it and the foot tracks in the sand into the forest on the island. As Eren got closer to Hanji, his eye felt warmer, though it still hurt.

Once Eren found them, he was careful to approach as he heard Levi swearing.

"What the fuck? Where the fuck is this supposed to be! There is no sign of the earth having been ever fucking disturbed and this mountain is fucking solid! I swear if this is a waste of time-" Eren stepped on a twig, causing everyone to turn towards him, swords and guns out, pointed directly at him.

"Come the fuck out." Levi barked. Eren sighed as he put his hands up and stood straighter, leaving the bush cover. "Eren? Didn't I fucking tell you to-"

"Is it your eye sweety." Hanji said, sheathing her sword and approaching the boy. Eren nodded as he flinched and put a hand to it. She quickly grabbed him and brought him over to in front of the rock formation, his back to the others. She gently removed his eyepatch to see his eye was glowing. She was about to say something, but a rumbling sound stopped her, and as she turned, she saw the boulder behind her move to reveal a cave. In the center was a golden orb and around it was opened chests overflowing with golden coins and jewelry. Hanji quickly covered Eren's eye again with an 'I'll explain later.' And looked down to her feet, seeing a large pebble to use as a scapegoat for Eren's eye.

"What the fu-" Levi began but Hanji jumped up and smiled.

"Eren stepped on this pebble and the boulder moved!" Hanji called with a large, faked smile. Levi said nothing as he brought his men inside. Eren looked to Hanji with a confused look. "I'm going to look at Eren's eye a bit, we'll be in in a minute." She sang, pulling Eren away from the cavern far enough that no one could hear them, but they could see it.

"What the fuck just happened?" Eren asked. Hanji hummed as she turned Eren so his back was facing the cavern, removing his eyepatch again, seeing it no longer glowing.

"You opened that cavern, Eren." She said, eyes furrowed slightly. "Your eye was glowing. I have the feeling that your eye sensed that it was needed to open this cavern, and so it began to react, to bring you here. That's only a theory. I have no idea how to test it again." She said with a pout. "But this mean that your eye is special, so we really don't want the others to know it's different from your other eye. So put your patch back on." As soon as Eren finished, Hanji smiled. "Now let's go move some treasure!" She sang, and dragged Eren back to help unload the cavern. Eren saw Levi was eyeing the golden orb in the center, like he was drawn to it. Once the cavern was emptied of everything but the orb, Levi took it.

And as soon as he stepped out of it, the boulder moved back into place. Everyone stared at the spot that the cavern entrance was, and after checking around it, noticed it was sealed shut.

"Let's get back to the fucking ship." Levi said. Erwin then pulled out a special gun that fired smoke flares and fired a green one into the sky before they headed back to the ship. "Oh, and Eren." Levi said, causing the boy to turn to him. "My cabin. We need to talk." Eren swallowed deeply, but nodded as he turned forward and continued carrying the chest he was helping move.

Once the ship was loaded and their course to the next island planned and set in motion, Eren found himself sitting in Levi's cabin with Hanji, Erwin, Armin, and the captain himself. Currently, Levi was in a heated debate with Hanji.

"Why the fuck would you tell him to leave the Neptune damned ship? He could have gotten fucking killed!" Levi said, gesturing to Eren.

"He's not that weak Levi. He's been able to stand his own on the streets, he can defend himself fine when needed."

"He could have gotten fucking lost!" Levi snapped back.

"He had the Hanji-Compass." Levi groaned.

"Fucking, he was ordered to stay on the fucking ship!"

"And his medical condition is higher on my concern list than your fucking orders." Hanji said, glaring Levi down over her glasses. "I told him where you could shove your orders and to find me immediately if there was anything wrong with it. He did so." Hanji's voice had taken a slightly icy tone.

"What the fuck is his medical condition then?" Levi barked, standing up from his desk. "If it's so serious, he shouldn't be on my ship." Levi said. Hanji stepped forward and leaned on Levi's desk, getting directly in Levi's face.

"That's confidential, just like your medical condition. If I share his, I share yours. Take you pick captain. Get the fuck over it, or have the ship know about your problems." Levi growled, but sat down.

"I fucking hate you." Hanji smirked in victory.

"But I'm the only one that you trust as a surgeon on your ship." She said, turning and leaving, bringing Armin with her. Levi glared at Eren as he just stood there, confused as all hell.

"Go get me my fucking tea Eren. It's going to be a couple months before we reach the second island." Eren gave a quick nod at his Captain's orders and hurried out of the room.

"You should be less harsh on that one." Erwin said as he leaned against the sill of the window behind Levi's desk.

"Why the fuck should I? He came off the street, big fucking deal. So did I." Levi spat as he looked through his maps.

"Yes, but he's still young, still growing, still learning. You can't really keep him a cabin boy forever can you?" Erwin asked. Levi 'hmphed'

"Fucking watch me." Erwin rolled his eyes.

"Hanji's right, you need to get laid." Erwin said, getting a glare from his captain. "I'm just saying, you'd probably be a lot easier to communicate with if you had someone to calm you."

"And you're suggesting I fuck Eren? I may be harsh on the boy, but I'm not going to use him like some fucking whore!" Levi snarled, getting louder at the end of his rant.

"I never said that, I never meant that. I meant a relationship, a real one like what Isabel and Farlan have, or dare I say Hanji and Mike have. Someone to talk to, vent your frustrations to in a positive manner." Levi stared at Erwin with an unamused mask.

"You want me to hook up with Eren? You want me to court, and then date, the cabin boy? What would give you the fucking idea that I wou-"

"You kissed him." Erwin said, smirking as Levi's mouth snapped shut. "You then went to threaten everyone on the ship if they teased him about being a virgin again, didn't even rush to rinse your mouth or wash your hands afterwards. You even had a slight pink blush on your cheeks when I had asked about it later. And most of the time you were bitching at Hanji in the meeting we just had, you hadn't complained about Eren leaving the ship, but that he could have been hurt or gotten lost. Face it Levi, you care about our cabin boy." Levi groaned, laying his head on his desk.

"Fuck off Erwin I do not-"

"You're blushing, right now." Erwin pointed out, causing Levi to quickly jump to cover his face, causing the blond to chuckle. "You know, I think I heard Isabel and Hanji teasing Eren about something earlie-" Levi slammed his hands down, glaring at the door.

"I'll fucking skin them. Didn't I just tell them not to fucking-" Levi stopped when he heard Erwin laughing, turning to the tall man with a confused look before realizing what he just did and groaning again. "Fuck my life." Levi said, laying his head on his desk while Erwin continued to laugh at his Captain's expense.

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