Chapter 5

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Eren just stared at the blond while the blond stared back.

"E-Eren? What are you doing here?" The blond asked, but was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Holy shit. I never thought I'd see you again! I thought you were dead." Eren said, hugging the blond closely. Armin just stood still for a second before sighing and patting Eren's back.

"So... tell me?" Hanji asked. Armin slowly peeled Eren off him before turning to the woman.

"Well, where we just left was my home town." Armin said. Eren nodded.

"Yeah, we were best friends as kids, but he went out with his parents and grandfather one day to go to one of the larger cities, and a huge storm rolled in and the ship sank." Eren turned to Armin. "How did you survive? The ship was completely wrecked and they couldn't even find the bodies." Armin scratched the back of his head.

"I'm not completely sure. All I know is that I woke up on a piece of debris floating in the ocean and was found by Captain Levi." Eren's eye twitched. "I've been on the ship ever sense. I'm Ms. Hanji's apprentice." Armin looked and noticed Eren's eye patch. "Oh my Neptune, what happened to your eye?" Eren chuckled as he pulled it up and opened it, revealing the golden eye.

"Nothing. Hanji gave me the patch to make it easier to walk about the ship." Eren said, putting the patch back in place. Armin sighed in relief as he hugged his friend again.

"Now seriously, what are you doing here?" Armin asked. Eren was about to answer when Hanji did.

"I found him! He was in an alley about to be mugged!" Hanji smiled proudly. "Kid got spunk so I thought he'd be the perfect cabin boy! So here he is!" Hanji put a hand on Eren's shoulder. "By the way, Armin isn't sharing his bunk." The two boys looked to her and smiled.

"Can I/Eren bunk with Armin/me?" The two chirped at the same time, looking at each other and then laughing. Hanji nodded.

"Of course! I'll tell Captain." Mike opened the door to the kitchen and walked out, sighing.

"Hanji, you and Isabel need to make an easier way to call people for meals." He said as he started hollering that lunch was ready. The three headed to the kitchen and once they had made it to the deck to eat with Isabel, the door to Levi's cabin opened, and he froze as he stared at his door. Eren could see his eyebrows furrow as his eye darkened with anger.

"Who the fuck left this filthy mother fucking handprint on my fucking door! I swear to Poseidon I will fucking gut you like the fucking fish you are and throw your worthless ass to the fucking sharks!" The ship quietened as Isabel, Hanji, and Eren were snickering lightly. Levi's head whipped in their direction, and Armin physically paled.

"What in Neptune's name did you do?" He asked shakily. Eren was laughing a little harder than the other two as Levi began to walk over.

"Which one of you three dirtied my fucking ship?" Levi asked. The three kept laughing as Armin looked at the three in confusion and slight horror. Levi's eye fell on Eren. "It was fucking you wasn't it you little shit." It wasn't a question, but a statement. Eren smirked dangerously.

"I may have had something to do with it Captain." Levi sneered as he grabbed Eren's shirt collar and picked him up to be eye level with him.

"Well I suggest you fucking clean it up along with your act. You'll be a damn swabbie at this rate, cabin boy." Levi voice was low, and though it was supposed to strike fear into the young boy's heart, it actually made his spine tingle in excitement as well as his golden eye twitch anxiously. Eren's smirk grew slightly.

"Will do Captain." Levi let him go and walked towards the kitchen. Isabel and Hanji looked between their captain and newbie.

"Holy shit." Isabel said, a smile splitting her face as another round of laughter began. "This is fucking great!" She said, throwing her arm around Eren's shoulders and looking at Hanji. "Thanks for finding our new source of entertainment Hanji!" The redhead giggled as Hanji smiled proudly.

"I know. I do what I can." And so they finished eating and Hanji told Levi about Eren's sleeping arrangements while Erwin took it upon himself to tell Eren about his job on board the Maria.

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