Chapter 11

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Everyone gathered in the town square when Levi's crew was being called. Eren was hoping he'd be able to go back out. He didn't want to be left behind considering how many friends he had made on the ship. Levi had Erwin calling out names and rolls. The list was done, and Eren hadn't heard his name, but also hadn't heard his job either. Erwin was looking at Eren with a smile. Not a sympathetic one, not a smug one either. Just a normal, happy smile. Pixis was looking at him with the same smile. Levi, however, seemed to be brooding.

"And our fucking cabin boy is Eren. So pack your shit everyone and get to the Maria. We're leaving at sundown. If you aren't there, too fucking bad." Levi said and then walked away. Eren smiled as Erwin and Pixis approached him.

"Shame you won't be staying behind." Pixis said with a warm laugh. "I would have loved to have kept you to help me with the treasury." He said, patting Eren on the back while taking a swig from his flask. Erwin put a firm hand on Eren's shoulder.

"You've proven yourself to the captain this past week while the ship was being repaired. And Pixis and I thought it only fair that he call your name himself." Erwin said. Eren smiled wider.

"Thank you! I won't let any of you down!" Eren said.

"Hurry the fuck up brat! We need to get ready to set sail!" Levi yelled back. Eren didn't even stop smiling as he ran after his captain.

Once they had boarded the ship, Levi went around talking to the crew about what they were to do and make sure they were all up to date on what this hunt was about and for. Eren was later called into his cabin.

"Okay Eren, your job is to continue cleaning the fucking ship and bring me my tea. I shouldn't have to worry about there being any shit on my ship, correct?" Levi asked once Eren stepped in. Eren nodded.

"No sir. The ship will be cleaned to your standards." And so Eren went to start cleaning the ship and bring Levi his tea.

So for three weeks Levi sat with Erwin, Farlan, and Gunther trying to find out the coordinates of the map. Eren would only hear bits of the conversations when he brought Levi his tea. But something else was bugging Eren as he sat with Hanji, Isabel, Armin, and Marco for lunch.

"Why don't Farlan and Isabel share a room?" He asked, looking at the redheaded carpenter. Isabel shrugged.

"Because Farlan and I go at it like rabbits, and not only does it disturb the crew to hear us having sex, it's also to keep Farlan from knocking me up. It's why Mike and Hanji don't share a room. No opposite sex couples can share a cabin. Kids are great and all, but a pirate ship is no place to raise them. And Big Bro would lose two of his crew members." Eren nodded slowly, slightly blushing.

"So when I hear moaning in the night?"

"It's either same sex couples sharing a cabin and going at it, or Jean masturbating because Bert won't fuck on the ship." Hanji said while laughing.

"I didn't need that imagery." Eren groaned covering his face. He then looked at Armin with wide eyes. "Dear Neptune, I'm the only virgin on the ship aren't." Armin flushed, as did Marco, and they both nodded slowly. Isabel and Hanji burst out laughing.

"Our Cabin Boy's a Cherry Boy!" They cheered loudly, causing Eren's face to impersonate said fruit.

"Eren's never had booty?" Reiner called from where he was eating on one of the masts, laughing with Ymir. In seconds, everyone that had been eating on the deck was laughing and teasing Eren. He just curled up in a ball while Armin and Marco tried to console him, telling the others to bug off a few times when a comment was too harsh.

"Have you even been kissed, Cherry?" Jean asked as he walked by. Eren covered his face and slowly shook his head, causing a new round of teasing to begin. Everything quieted when Levi came out of his cabin, eating like nothing had happened. Levi looked around his crew with the usual scowl as he approached Eren's group.

"Children. I have a ship full of Poseidon damned children." Levi muttered as he approached Eren. The boy looked up to him, face red and on the brink of tears. Levi sighed as he kneeled down in front of Eren and grabbed his chin, bringing Eren forward and pressing his lips against the boys. The ship was silent as Levi pressed his lips a little harder against Eren's, eventually coaxing the younger to kiss back. Eren had to admit, he didn't expect to lose his first kiss to his captain, but it was nice, even made the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stand up as his toes curled a little and his eye closed. When Levi pulled away, Eren's eye opened slowly as he stared into that single, piercing blue eye. Eren felt his breath hitch slightly. Levi then pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the side of Eren's eye were a tear had actually escaped.

"That should keep those fucker's quiet." Levi said as he stood and turned to those on the deck. "I thought we were all adults here. Apparently fucking not. Shut the fuck up. I swear to Neptune, if I head 'Cabin Cherry' one more time, I will personally throw you overboard, after beating you with the plank." And Levi continued on as if he hadn't just kissed his Cabin Boy. Eren watched as he went down to the kitchen, before promptly fainting.

When he came too, he only heard muttering, before he opened his eye and saw Hanji and Isabel talking while Armin was wiping his forehead with a cloth, smiling when he saw the emerald eye.

"He's awake!" Armin said. Hanji and Isabel were automatically over.

"About time! We were worried about you!" Isabel said with a small smile. Hanji was checking him over quickly, muttering to herself as she checked his eye and told Isabel to leave the room while she checked the other.

"You seem to be fine, no concussion or anything like that. Looks like it wasn't because of any nutrient drop or heat, or exhaustion. Seems to have been shock induced." Hanji sighed after writing down her findings. "Thank Neptune. That could have been bad." She allowed Isabel back in the room and smiled softly. "Sorry about that Eren. We really didn't mean for it to get out of hand."

"Yeah, sorry about that Eren." Isabel said. "But I never thought Big Bro would actually come and kiss you." She said with a smile. "That was something."

"It was. But it was still very Levi." Hanji said with a laugh as Armin shook his head and wiped Eren's forehead again with a cool cloth.

"You should be happy he didn't find out either of you started it." Armin folded the cloth and dipped it in water again before placing it on his friend's head. The two girls looked at each other nervously.

"Let's hurry up and get that message system installed." Isabel said, Hanji nodding quickly before hurrying to Isabel's work bench. When Eren tried to sit up, Armin held him down.

"Oh no you don't. You just passed out and hit your head off the deck. You're staying here until I'm sure you're not going to collapse on me." The blond stated firmly.

"But Armin, I need to bring the Captain his tea." Eren said as he sat up. "And I'll be fine. You can check on me again tonight when we get back to our room. I'll even take it easy. But I need to do my job." Eren stood, much to the blond's protests, and headed to the Captain's quarters.

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