Chapter 12

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Eren felt a little awkward going to the Captain's cabin the next few days. Every Time Eren saw the eyepatched man, he'd feel his ears burn as his eyes snapped to his pale lips and remembering how they felt against his. And how right it felt. And he started to actually knock on the door and wait for Levi to answer before entering, but only because it meant more time before seeing him, and he may or may not shudder when he got the verbal 'come in'... or the grunt... both made him shudder if he wanted to be honest.

His dreams, when he did dream, began to fill with the captain too. Lips pressed against flesh, whether Eren's lips, hand, or neck, he'd still wake up flushed and panting slightly. Daydreaming wasn't the best thing either. He'd be cleaning the deck or the hall for the bunks, and his mind would slip to what would happen behind those doors at night, mind wandering to his inexperience, then to wondering if the Captain would help with that too, leading to him stepping on his mop and tripping or tripping over his broom, always ending with his face meeting the wooden floor. He even managed a splinter once, which had pissed Levi off and he had told Isabel to sand the entire ship.

It was strange for Eren, because he couldn't understand why. He decided to confided in Armin the fifth day this happened. Unfortunately, that meant Hanji got to hear, and Isabel after she came in from sanding and cleaning the halls.

"Ooo." Hanji said with a giggle, Isabel joining in shortly after. "Someone has a crush." The two women continued giggling and teasing as Armin took the role of damage control as Eren both paled and blushed.

"W-What? How can I have a crush on-"

"Eren." Armin interrupted. "It's completely possible. You interact with Captain Levi more than anyone else on the ship, even more than Erwin, and he's second in command. It's possible that while interacting with him, your mind found things that you may have been attracted to, and the week you spent with him back on Rose could have added more since you literally lived with him for a week. It's completely possible that when he kissed you a couple days ago, that all those attractions arose to the front of your mind."

"M-Maybe it's because I hit my head?" Eren tried, causing Hanji to snort.

"You've hit your head multiple times daily for the last five days, I highly doubt it." She explained. Isabel then stepped in.

"Captain and Eren sailing on the sea." She began.

"F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" Isabel continued with Hanji, causing Eren's face to turn a similar color to the color of Levi's bedding.

"First comes kisses."

"Then comes sucking."

"Then comes a whole lot of hot bum fucking!" The two kept giggling and Eren whined loudly as Armin shook his head.

"Alright, who's being tortured." Erwin said as he stepped into the room, watching the two girls in hysterics while Armin looked like he had given up with the world and Eren was covering his face with the pillow on one of the sick bay beds, try to hide his blush or kill himself, Erwin wasn't quite sure. "Leave the poor cabin boy alone. He has enough to deal with. Boys been hitting his head on everything, let him nurse his pride in peace." The two girls giggled more.

"That's not all he'll be nursing." Isabel said, making a vulgar motion with her hand that resembled a man jerking off. Hanji howled with laughter. Armin finally blushing and staring them mortified.

"Dear Neptune Izzy, have some decency! I share a room with him and don't want to think of my best friend getting off to thoughts of the captain." Armin realized his mistake when Eren whined loudly and Erwin cocked an eyebrow with an amused smile, leaning against some of the only empty wall space in the room.

"So, Eren has a crush on our cold stone captain? Sounds interesting. But nows not the time for that." Erwin's face turned serious. "I've come to inform you all that the first island has been spotted on the horizon."

"First island?" Armin asked as Eren turned his head to face Erwin. The Quarter Master nodded.

"According to the map, there are three islands. Two of them hold keys to open the cavern of the last one. Each has treasure in them, but the last is the mother load. We are heading to the first island. Hanji, you'll be coming with us, the rest of you stay here. You know your orders." Erwin said, before smiling to Eren.

"By the way, the bathroom closest to the treasure hold is never used is you need to-"

"No!" Eren whined loudly, covering his face in the pillow again. The tall blond chuckled as the girls went back in their giggle fits.

A few hours later, they had laid anchor by the first island. Levi went through his instructions and what he expected to find when he returned. Everyone nodded and went to prepare to embark to the island. Hanji approached Eren.

"Hey, come with me." She said. Eren followed without a word as they headed down to the sick bay. Once inside, Hanji locked the door and sat him down on one of the beds. "Okay, remove your eyepatch." She said firmly. Eren nodded and did so, revealing his golden eye again. It felt good to be able to use both eyes to see, everything was clearer. Hanji went straight to work looking at his eye, after she finished, she instructed Eren to cover it again.

"Okay, while I'm gone, continue as normal, but if it starts to feel weird, like more than normal, do NOT hesitate to come find me immediately." She handed Eren a weird looking compass, the N replaced with a H.

"What the hell is this?" Eren asked as he looked at it closer.

"It's a Hanji-compass! Isabel and I made it! I have this stone." Hanji held her wrist up, showing a braclet with many colorful shells, and then one, bland stone in the center. As she moved her wrist around, the arrow moved to follow the stone. "As long as I'm wearing this bracelet, you'll always be able to find me. So, I will repeat myself." Hanji grabbed Eren's head and looked him directly in his emerald eye. "If your gold eye acts up AT ALL, tingles, burns, whatever, you WILL come find me IMMEDIATELY. No questions. You will do it. Fuck Levi if he says other wise. I am the surgeon on this ship, and everyone's health is important to me, am I understood?" Eren nodded slowly. Hanji gave a firm nod before standing and shooing him out so she can get ready to leave.

Eren watched with the rest of the crew that was staying on the ship as Levi went out with his selected group to go ashore. Once they had made it to the sandy beach safely, everyone returned to do their duties. Eren was cleaning as normal in other words. A few hours later, as Eren was cleaning the deck, his eye began to sting like hell fire and he dropped his broom, falling to his knees in pain. Everyone on the deck turned to him.

"You okay?" Mikasa asked as she came over to Eren, kneeling next to the young man. Eren trembled slightly.

"I-I need Hanji." He said, trying to stand.

"Hanji went with Captain." Ymir said as she walked by. "If you leave the ship, you'll be left here." She said. Eren clung to the side of the ship and pulled himself up.

"Hanji said that Captain Levi can shove his orders up his ass if this happened. So I'm going to trust her this time."

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