Chapter 24

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The next week, Hanji and Isabel had most of the message system installed. Eren no longer needed to deliver messages to or from Levi, but that didn't keep the cabin boy from visiting his captain often. Eren would be in Levi's cabin to help with his shoulder. And Lei was happy with that arrangement, because it was more time with Eren. And it kept Hanji away.

"So what do you and the Captain do in his cabin all the time?" Jean asked one day. Eren shrugged.

"I clean his wound, eat, talk." Eren answered.

"That's boring." Ymir said from one of the rat lines leading up to the main mast. Eren cocked an eyebrow, before blushing deeply.

"Well... we make out sometimes..." Eren added.

"Is that it?" Reiner asked, snorting slightly. Eren pouted.

"Well yeah. Levi's hurt still. I don't want to make anything worse." Eren defended.

"Hasn't stopped him from bedding anyone before." Annie said, not really caring, but throwing the information out there anyways.

"Their relationship is new, lay off a bit." Armin huffed.

"You fucked Marco an hour after getting together. You have no room to talk." Ymir snickered.

"Maybe the Captain won't fuck a virgin?" Connie said without really thinking. Eren paled. He originally thought that the Captain was allowing everything to go at Eren's pace. But was that true? What if it was?

"Nice work Connie." Mikasa sassed as she swung down from the Foremast. "Don't listen to them, Eren. Sex isn't everything in a relationship-"

"You and Sasha scissor every night." Annie supplied once again. Mikasa glared at her, before giving her fellow rigger the finger.

"As I was saying. It's not everything. And it seems that the Captain wants an actual relationship with you. If he wanted to bed you, he would have already." Mikasa said, trying to calm Eren down.

"But what if they're right? I mean... I wouldn't mind getting a little more... intimate... but he's hurt, and I have no experience! What if-"

"What are you all picking on him for now?" Isabel asked as she came up, hammer in one hand.

"If Captain isn't boning Eren because he's still got his cherry." Annie supplied once again. Isabel blinked a few times before falling into a fit of giggles.

"This isn't funny, Izzy! What if they're right?" Eren whined. Isabel giggled a little longer.

"Eren, trust me. Even if Big Bro looks at you like he wants to ravish you." Isabel smiled softly. "He'd never push you into something you don't want."

"But what if... I..." Eren shifted on his feet a bit, gripping his mop tightly. "I want to be more intimate... not sex, but..." Eren shifted again. Isabel blinked a few times, before bursting out laughing again.

"You are too damn pure to be with Big Bro, seriously." Isabel walked forward and smirked. "Move in with him. He may not sleep much, but it'll make you spend more time with him." Isabel said with a chuckle.

"B-But what about Armin?" Eren said, turning to his friend. Armin shrugged.

"I'll room by myself again. Or maybe room with someone else." Armin said, then smiled. "I want you to be happy Eren."

"And he's sick of not being able to fuck Marco." Ymir called and giggled. Armin blushed.

"At least I can get sex while we're out. What about you? You only have Krista warming your bed once or twice a year!" Armin called back. Ymir gave him the finger.

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