Chapter 4

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Erwin lightly tapped on Levi's door.

"Get your asses in here." Came a voice from the other side of the dark door. Eren furrowed his eyebrows slightly as they entered the room. And when they did, Eren's jaw dropped momentarily.

The room was nothing like anything else he had seen on this ship. The walls were blue. A navy blue that reminded Eren of the ocean on clear summer nights. The floor was at lights as the deck floor, reminding him of sandy beaches. There was a dark wood desk in front of fairly large window that had black curtains on either side. Over to the side was a queen sized bed that was covered with a contrasting blood red comforter and pillows. There was a dark wood cupboard that separated the bed from the rest of the room. Eren also noticed that it was clean.

"Eren?" Eren snapped his head to the three others in the room. By the looks on the Captain's face, they had been trying to get his attention for a while.

"What?" He asked slowly. Levi rolled his eye.

"I asked whether or not you wanted to fucking bunk with someone or have your own bunk for now." Levi had asked. Eren was a little taken back. He assumed Levi would just shove him anywheres he felt like. Eren just crossed his arms.

"Well, I haven't met the rest of the crew yet, so I won't know if I want to bunk with anyone until I get to know them." Levi clicked his tongue as he leaned back in his chair.

"Whatever. Hanji, find him a bunk and tell him his duties. Erwin, get me when lunch is ready." Eren was about to leave when Levi stopped him. "Wait a minute brat." Eren's eye twitched.

"Excuse me?" He said, irritation tickling his tone.

"I said wait a minute." Levi repeated, opening a drawer in his desk and digging around in it. He pulled out a green piece of cloth. He stood and walked over to Eren. "Hold out your left arm brat." Eren's eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm not a brat." Levi rolled his eyes.

"Just hold out your fucking left arm." Eren did so and Levi tied the cloth around Eren's bicep. Eren looked at it after Levi stepped away. "Welcome a-fucking-board Eren. You're a damn pirate. No get the fuck out of my cabin and meet your new family." Eren looked at the cloth and kind of cocked his head.

"What's with the bandanna?" Eren asked. Hanji snickered.

"It's a symbol for our crew. Anyone with this bandanna is part of the Survey Pirates! Captain Levi personally puts this on his crew. Always wear it where he put it. It's disrespectful otherwise." Eren nodded as they left.

They headed down into the kitchen where three people were busy preparing food.

"Mike!" Hanji sang as she walked further in. A man in white with a green bandanna around his neck turned to her and hugged her.

"Hello Hanji." He sniffed and smirked happily. Hanji giggled a little. "What brings you to the kitchen today?" He asked. Hanji smiled as she stepped out of his arms.

"I'm introducing the cabin boy to the crew! Mike, Sasha, Eld, this is Eren. He's our new cabin boy! Eren, this is Mike, Sasha, and Eld." Eren nodded.

"Nice to meet you." Eren looked among the others. Sasha looked similarly to Hanji, only without glasses and she had a more rounded, slightly younger looking face. She was busy making bread, and eating as she went with her bandanna around her waist. Eld had blond hair held up in a sort of bun. His bandana was on his head, holding his hair back.

"Lunch won't be for another hour." Mike had said as he turned back to his work.

"Alright! See ya later sweetie!" And Hanji hugged him from behind before she dragged Eren out and back onto the deck. The hyperactive ship surgeon pointed at people as she spoke.

"That's Annie, Reiner, and Ymir. They're riggers with Mikasa. Bertolt is our Able Bodied Soldier. At the wheel is our Sailing Master, Gunter. Next to him is Farlan, our Boatswain." Eren nodded as he watched them work. Hanji brought Eren down to where the canon's where, after introducing a few other members offhandedly, and saw Connie and Jean running around while an older man ordered them around.

"Those cannon balls need to be shi-" And the man bit his tongue, blood squirting out. Eren's eyes widened, but Hanji began to laugh.

"That's Olou. He's our Master Gunner. Don't worry about him. He's always biting his tongue." Hanji continued to snicker as Olou looked over.

"What's so damn funny? And who the hell is that?" Hanji giggled a little more as she put a hand on Eren's shoulder.

"This is Eren. He's our cabin boy! I'm introducing him to everyone on the ship!" Olou clicked his tongue, successfully biting it again in the process. Hanji laughed again as they walked to the bunks. "Let's see, you've met almost everyone." Eren nodded as a door on the right opened and a short woman walked out. "Petra!" Hanji called out. The woman turned and smiled.

"Hello Hanji. How are you? Is this the new crew member?" Hanji nodded.

"Yup, this is Eren. Eren, this is Petra. She's our second master gunner!" Eren nodded.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled lightly.

"It's nice to meet you too. Now, if you don't mind, I need to go make sure that idiot Olou isn't bleeding to death and working those boys too hard." Hanji snickered as Petra walked away. Hanji knocked on a door on the left.

"Marco, I'm showing cutie newbie around! Come out and say hi!" The door opened and a boy with brown hair and freckles came out. He looked to Eren and smiled.

"Hello. I'm Marco." The boy held out his hand and Eren shook it. "I'm in charge of hoisting anchor and keeping track of the tackle." Eren nodded. "Speaking of which, I'm heading there now. Excuse me. It was nice to meet you." And he walked away. Hanji smiled as they walked down a few doors and she just opened a door.

"This is will be your room if you don't bunk with someone else." Eren stepped into the room as Hanji leaned against the door frame. "I feel like I'm forgetting someone."

"Ms. Hanji!" Came a voice that sounded slightly familiar to Eren. But it couldn't be. They died in a shipwreck years ago. When Eren turned, he saw a short boy with blond hair that was most likely to his shoulders held back in a ponytail and a green bandanna around his head. And he had baby blue, crystal clear eyes.

"Armin?" Eren asked, completely shocked.

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