Chapter 20

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Eren did not think anything through. Correction, Eren didn't think anything through when his emotions were out of control. Correction, Eren didn't think anything through when his emotions were out of control AND CONTROLLING HIS ACTIONS! So Eren hadn't meant to kiss Levi. But he was so upset that Levi wasn't going to go get treated and risk infection. And the thought of Levi getting hurt had killed Eren inside enough. When Eren pulled back from Levi, he glared at him, but could feel the blush dusting his cheeks, though Levi seemed to have a brighter one on his.

"Listen you fucker. The crew needs you. So you are going with Hanji and the others to the fucking ship to get treated. Send some of the others out. I'll stay back and try and see if I can make any ground moving the treasure on my own. The treasure will get to the ship, but that is fucking second priority to you. Am I understood?" Eren said firmly. Levi blinked a few times, before nodding slowly, like in a daze. Eren gave a firm nod and straightened up. Levi insisted that Erwin stay back with Eren, because he wasn't injured, and was more than capable to help fight should more islanders appear. Once the crew was out of sight, Erwin smirked.

"So, Eren." Erwin said slowly. "Didn't know you had it in you to kiss the captain." The older man teased. Eren's blush spread and he covered his face.

"I just- I didn't- I-" Eren tripped over himself a little longer before uncovering his face, tears in his eyes. "I was just so scared. When I saw that arrow in his shoulder... and then he was stupid enough to fight. He's lost blood, and I..." Eren began to sob. "I can't lose him." Erwin smiled softly.

"It'll take more than an arrow to the shoulder to kill Captain Levi. He'll be fine, better now that you've made his stubborn ass go back to the ship." Erwin said, laying a gentle hand on Eren's shoulder. Meanwhile...

"That was some kiss." Hanji teased as she walked next to Levi. He was blushing deeply, looking to his feet to allow his bangs to shield his eyes.

"It didn't mean anything." Levi said, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing horribly. He hated how badly he wanted it to have meant something. Eren wasn't the type of person to kiss someone without it meaning anything like Levi did. Eren was also an emotional person, so maybe it was just an in the moment action? Levi hoped it wasn't.

When he got onto the ship, everyone was confused and worried, until he told everyone that was able to head out with Farlan to get back to Erwin and Eren and move their load to the treasure hold. Levi tried to make Hanji and Armin focus on the other crew members, but Hanji wouldn't have it.

"After our adorable little Cabin Cherry kissed our Captain Grumpy Gills, I'm patching you up first." Hanji said with a smile. Armin looked to her from where he was patching up a crew mate.

"Eren kissed Captain Levi?" Armin asked. Hanji smiled wide.

"Ooh it was the cutest thing Armin. You should have been there." Hanji cooed.

"Wish I was there." Isabel said from where she was making splints. "I want some details, spill." Isabel said with a smirk. "Was their tongue?" Hanji sighed, pulling the arrow from Levi's shoulder to keep him from sassing them.

"No. But it was still quiet passionate. Got our stubborn captain to come to the ship than stay behind with the treasure. Levi was blushing the entire way back." Hanji ended with a teasing tone. Levi was glaring at her, but she was so used to it, she just shrugged. "It's true."

"What the fuck did I say about calling Eren 'Cabin Cherry' Shit Specs?" Levi asked coldly. Hanji laughed sheepishly.

"Well, if you wanted to, you could always bed him." Hanji suggested. Levi's face heated again as he glared, causing Hanji and Isabel to giggle and coo at him as Hanji finished patching him up. "There, now you can direct shit from the ship, but you are to lift NOTHING! You're really lucky that arrow didn't hit anything vital and wasn't poisoned. It's also a good thing you're not left handed, because that arm will be useless for a while."

"How long is a while?" Levi growled out. Hanji bit her lip.

"In my professional opinion? Retire, today." Hanji said. Levi glared.

"I've had worse than this and haven't needed that long to recover." Levi spat. Hanji sighed as she put Levi in a sling.

"I know, which is still fucking weird. But this is my professional opinion. For you? I'd say give it a month or so." Hanji said with a shrug. "But you're patched up now. Go to the deck and start doing what you do best, but Levi." Hanji's voice was stern. "Be careful with your left shoulder. We don't need you pulling the stitches or anything. Don't strain yourself. And I mean it, take it easy until the skin is properly healed. And keep the damn sling on this time." Levi rolled his eyes and left the medical bay and headed up to the deck. As the crew returned with the treasure, he caught Eren's eye.

"Jean, take Eren's spot, I need to talk to this fucker for the stunt he pulled on the island." Levi said sternly. Jean jumped on it while Eren swallowed deeply. Once they were in Levi's cabin, the captain sat in his chair and glared at Eren.

"Captain?" Eren asked.

"What the ever living FUCK did you think you were doing running off like that?" Levi asked.

"I-I just got the feeling we were heading the wrong way." Eren admitted. Levi cocked his eyebrow.

"And this feeling was so strong you just HAD to follow it?" Levi asked. Eren nodded and it took Levi back a little. That's how he felt when they were on the other island. He had followed Farlan's orders to a point, but then it stopped feeling right. He continued to trust Farlan's directions, until finally it started to feel right, and they ended up at that mountain side.

"Well... am I in trouble?" Eren asked slowly. Levi pursed his lips slightly.

"Well that depends." Levi said, standing up and slowly rounding his desk. Eren swallowed nervously.

"Depends on what?" Eren asked. He was nervous about what was going on.

"Your response." Levi said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Response to what?" Eren asked. Levi was now standing right in front of him.

"This." Levi said, reaching up and pulling Eren down into a kiss. Levi's eye had closed, and after a moment, he thought he had read everything wrong, ready to pull back. But then he felt Eren's arms around him, careful of his left shoulder, pulling Levi closer as he began to kiss back, almost shyly.

Levi sighed happily as he pulled Eren closer. He wouldn't push Eren. The boy was someone to be cherished, treasured. And Levi planned to go at Eren's pace. And he felt Eren get a little more confident. With that, Levi tilted his head just slightly, Eren tilting his head in the opposite direction.

Eren's mind was being pulled in thirty different directions. He was hoping to Poseidon and Neptune that this wasn't a dream or a trick. His heart was pounding, his captain's lips being exactly how he remembered. A little rough, but oh so sweet. Eren felt a shiver go down his spine, causing him to pull his captain a little closer. He didn't want to pull away, but he was feeling a little light headed. He pulled back panting lightly, before slowly opening his eye. Levi's blue eye was already open and watching him quietly.

"Captain?" Eren asked carefully.

"For the love of Neptune, Eren. I just fucking kissed you. Call me Levi." Levi said. Eren couldn't help the smile that cracked his face.

"Levi." Eren said. It felt right saying it. "Am I in trouble?"

"Well that depends." Levi repeated. Eren pouted a little, leaning forward and kissing Levi again, still soft, but quick. "As nice as that was, that wasn't where I was going with it this time." Levi said with a smirk. Eren pouted.

"Then what?" Eren said. Levi chuckled lightly.

"If you're against being courted by your captain." Levi knew he was making a big risk with this, and it could be considered bribing, but Levi believed Eren wouldn't.

Eren blushed. Levi was asking to court him. He was asking if Eren would be his boyfriend. Eren couldn't believe his luck that Levi returned his feelings. He couldn't control himself when he kissed Levi again. And again. And again.

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