Chapter 17

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Hanji came in with dinner.

"How's he doing?" Hanji asked as she put three portions of lunch next to the water basin.

"Fever hasn't fucking broken yet." Levi said as he flipped his cravat over on Eren's forehead.

"Has he woken up?" Hanji asked. Levi shook his head. "Well, we need to wake him. I'll have a better grasp on what's wrong. Not only that, but he needs to eat, or he'll body will weaken and the fever may never break." Levi nodded, dropping his hand to Eren's shoulder and shaking it gently.

"Oi, brat. Get up. Shit Specs needs to check you over." Levi said. Eren only groaned softly, rolling away and causing Levi's cravat to slip off. "Oi!" Levi growled, reaching over Eren and snatching the wet garment before it could wetten the pillow. "Wake up you shit. I can't have you dying on my ship, or in my bed. Hanji needs to check you out and we need to get some food in you, so wake up." Eren only groaned again, covering his head wit the blankets. It was the most movement Eren had made in the past hour or two, and though that made Levi relieved, he was getting pissed off.

"Wake up you fuck!" Levi barked out, shaking Eren a little harder. Finally, Eren opened his eye, green locking with blue.

"Captain?" Eren asked groggily. "Where am I?" He asked, moving to sit up, but quickly falling back onto pillows. "Oh, my head." Eren groaned. Levi sighed as he sat back, draping his cravat over the basin to wait until Hanji was done what she needed to.

"You're in my bed. You collapsed on my floor because I've overworked you. And for that I apologize. Now let Shit Specs check you over." Levi said. Hanji went straight to work, not needing to check under his eyepatch because she did so while Eren was asleep, though she did ask questions quietly.

"How is your eye?" She asked.

"Fuzzy, like my head." Eren answered. Hanji nodded, before stepping away.

"Looks like it's just the fever and over exertion." Hanji announced. "Think you can eat?" Eren nodded slowly. "Great!" And so Hanji helped Eren sit up. Levi passed the ship surgeon Eren's portion, before sitting and eating his own. "What, you won't pass me mine?" Hanji asked. Levi glared at her, causing her to laugh before she grabbed her own. Once the three of them were done, Hanji grabbed their dishes and left.

"Sorry Captain." Eren said as Levi placed his cravat back on Eren's forehead. "I can still work." Eren moved to sit up, but Levi held his shoulders down.

"Fuck no. You're ill, Eren. And I'm not a Neptune damned heartless person. Shit Specs says you have a fever. Until that breaks, your on fucking bed rest. So get fucking comfortable." Levi said firmly. Eren settled, but the small frown that had taken over his features never left his face.

"But I'm in your bed. Where are you going to sleep?" Eren asked.

"First of all, Eren, I have a queen sized bed. I could sleep in it with you, and not touch. Not only that, but I hardly use my bed." Levi pointed out. Eren tilted his head slightly. "Insomnia." Levi confided. "I'm lucky to sleep two hours, and then I sleep in my chair anyways. The bed's really for if I've over worked myself, which rarely happens. Or if I've bedded someone, which also rarely happens." Eren blushed and quickly averted his eye. "By the way, if you need to shit, there's a trapdoor at the end of the bed that leads to my personal bathroom." Eren cocked an eyebrow.

"You have your own bathroom?" Eren asked. Levi nodded.

"You clean to my standards for the ship, not my fucking living quarters. And I may trust everyone on this ship with my life, but I am not going to walk in on someone rubbing one out." Levi stated. Eren nodded slowly, then smiled softly.

"You trust me with your life?" Eren asked.

"You wouldn't have been to Rose or called back on the ship if I didn't. You would have been overboard as soon as I felt I could never trust you. I've done it to hundreds of other would be crew members." Levi answered, not batting an eye, not missing a beat. His eyes were locked with Eren's the entire time, holding a 'no bullshit' look on his normal bitch face. "You've proven yourself a true member of the Maria in the three months you've been here, Eren. Even if you are one of the biggest shits I've ever had to deal with." Levi smirked at the end, but it didn't stop Eren from giving a soft smile, tearing up slightly.

"Thank you, Captain." Eren said softly. Levi swallowed thickly. Never has he wanted to kiss someone as badly as he did now. But he couldn't. First of all, Eren was sick. Second of all, the brat has finally come to respect him. Levi wasn't willing to destroy all that work for a whim.

"You need to sleep. So unless you need to shit, close your fucking eyes." Levi grit out, looking away from Eren and damning the warmth he felt in his cheeks.

"Aye aye." Eren said cheekily, before closing his eyes. Levi looked back and let out a quiet breath as he grabbed the treasure map for the next island they were heading too and reading everything over. They'd be at the island in a little more than a month. Levi needed to plan on who he would be taking with him. When Levi heard a noise and looked up to see Eren shifting a little, Levi allowed a small smile to come to his face.

Eren would be coming with them on the island.

Eren was sick for a week. Or so Hanji said. By the third day, Eren knew he was fine and Hanji was just using it as an excuse to make Eren spend more time with his crush, and though Eren did enjoy his time, it did not do well for him to dream about his captain pressing passionate kisses to his skin with said captain in the same room. Erwin caught on the second day, but said nothing, because he wanted to see how Levi responded. Levi, however, caught onto the act after the first full day. Being awake almost all the time, he noticed Eren's fever broke the first night Eren slept in his bed. But if Hanji was so adamant that Eren was sick and needed to sleep in Levi's bed, the captain wasn't going to complain.

That's until crew members began coming to his cabin to see Eren. Then Levi had a problem. Especially when Isabel made a comment about him going after young boys. That comment had Eren out of his room and back in Eren and Armin's room. Hanji was all pouty, but Eren was back to his normal duties, though he was told by not only Hanji, but Levi, to take it easy. Levi didn't want Eren to overwork himself again.

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