Chapter 7

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Eren wasn't sure how, but he was up at the crack of dawn. Actually, he knew why. Because when you have to sleep on the streets, you don't want to be asleep when everyone else gets up. Or when the owner of the stall you're using as a makeshift shelter gets there. So Eren was up and awake, though a little groggy as he looked around his and Armin's room.

It was simple as all hell. A desk, two beds, and two chests for personal belongings. In Eren's case, this meant one spare outfit that Hanji had so lovingly forced upon him.

And Eren was happy. He was happy to be in a room with a roof, four walls, and a floor that wasn't half rotted or completely missing. He was happy to have an actual bed. He would have loved to stay in it, but again, the years on the street kept him from doing so. So Eren started to clean his side of the room quietly, so not to wake Armin.

And Eren made sure he did the best he could. If cleaning was going to be his job on this ship he should at least do it right. So he made his bed, swept the floor, and wiped down his chest, the desk, and the port hole that allowed some light in from the sun.

Once he was done there, Eren changed, put on his bandanna, took his dirty clothes to the washing room for later, and went to the kitchen to see if any of the kitchen staff was up. As soon a he opened the door, the smell of fresh tea settled in his nose. Eren stepped in and saw that Mike was at the stove, finishing setting up a tray that would be heading to the Captain's quarters.

"Eren?" Mike asked after he sniffed the air. Eren was completely confused on how the man knew it was him. "It's your smell." Mike answered, as if he had read Eren's mind. "It's still earthy from sleeping on the ground. But you smell clean enough to be able to go to the Captain's quarters." Mike turned with the tray in hand and gave it to Eren.

"And I doubt Erwin told you, but it's best to get the quarter deck clean before Gunther and Farlan get there with the other navigators. And you don't need to clean the crow's nest. That's rigger territory." Eren nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Mike." The tall blond man nodded before turning to begin making breakfast for the crew.

Eren headed up to Levi's cabin and debated all of ten seconds on if he should knock or just barge it. Needless to say that the door opened with no knuckle contact and Eren was met with a very pissed off Captain glaring at him from his desk looking over maps and letters.

"You ever heard of knocking you shit? If Shit Specs didn't tell you, fucking Eyebrows did. You do not, under any circumstances, just waltz into my damn cabin without fucking permission. So why don't you fucking try this again." Levi growled out. Eren just looked at him for a second.

"If I leave this room, I'm not coming back for an hour." Eren said. "So if you want your tea, just let me give it to you. You can return to whatever it is pirate captains do, and I'll start cleaning the ship." Eren walked into the room more and placed the tea on a small table next to Levi's desk, having at least shut the door behind him and trying not to let the glare from that ice blue eye to bother him.

"You have been on this damn ship all of one fucking day, and you think you can fucking do as you please?" Levi asked, standing from his desk and stalking over to Eren. "Well let me give you a fucking news flash, cabin boy." Levi grabbed Eren by the collar. "I'm the captain of this ship. You will listen to my fucking rules, or you can walk the damn plank." Eren kept Levi's gaze.

"Excuse me, Captain, but if you want the ship clean, I need to go." Eren said. "I wasn't told I need to serve you your tea, so as far as this job is concerned, I'm done for at least another hour."

"Cheeky shit." Levi said as he let go of Eren's collar. "Get the fuck out of my cabin. And the next time you come, remember to knock first."

"Neptune forbid, I may walk in on you doing something indecent." Eren said before leaving and shutting the door harder than needed. And needless to say, every hour, more or less on the hour, Eren continued to NOT knock on Levi's door. And needless to say, Levi needed a LOT of tea that day, and the days following.

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