Chapter 15

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Eren was standing in Levi's cabin with said man and Erwin. Levi was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How in Neptune's name did you not only piss off the rum salesman, but get the attention on the dock guard?" Levi asked.

"Well, after we haggled down and started moving the rum, he started to freak out, saying that it wasn't the deal we had made, and I may have punched him in the face." Eren scratched his nape, avoiding making eye contact with his captain. "And apparently violence is widely frowned upon at that specific port." Levi groaned.

"Which port was that?" Levi asked Erwin.

"Karanese. We usually don't stop at that port, so this shouldn't affect us unless we're in a dire situation." Erwin answered. Levi nodded before setting his gaze on Eren.

"Well, Eren, I believe a form of punishment is in order. You know that lovely free time you have? You'll be spending it helping Mike and the kitchen crew prepare meals until I feel like you've learned your lesson." Levi said. Eren opened his mouth to argue, but Levi's gaze turned into a cold glare. "I'd get to work if I were you." Levi's voice was cold. Eren snarled, but turned and left, slamming the door behind him. An irritated sigh from Levi's right brought the shorter man's attention to his Quartermaster.

"I thought I told you to be easier on him." Erwin said. Levi leaned back in his chair.

"Well, he needs to learn that not all our damn problems can be solved with violence."

"We're pirates!" Erwin argued. "We're supposed to be violent. You're abusing your authority because you're pissy." Levi turned to Erwin, cocking an eyebrow.

"This isn't a normal pirate crew Erwin." Levi said, moving his hand up and pressing lightly against his eyepatch. "Damn it, Eyebrows, get the shitty surgeon." Erwin went from irritation to concern.

"Is your eye acting up again?" Levi nodded.

"Yeah, feels like a fucking hornet has taken up residence in my socket and it's pissed." Levi said. Erwin nodded as he got Hanji. Levi growled lowly as the feeling slowly died off. But this has seriously been pissing him off. His eye never acted up like this until that stupid brat came on board.

"Levi." The door opened to reveal Hanji, the woman quickly coming over, Erwin entering and locking the door behind him. "Remove your eyepatch." Levi nodded and did so, blinking open a liquid silver irised eye. Hanji poked around the skin, inspecting in before deeming it to be nothing and that Levi could replace the patch.

"You think after wearing one my entire Poseidon damned life would get me used to a fucking eyepatch." Levi bit out, irritated that he even needed one. But he had two different color eyes, and people freak out with that shit.

"I'm working on finding a more comfortable design and material. Eren's patch is getting uncomfortable as well." Hanji said. Levi looked to her and crossed his arms. He was curious on the condition of the cabin boy's eye. It was none of his business, but it was apparently bad enough to need a patch and for Hanji to need to check it even in the middle of a treasure hunt on an island they knew nothing about.

"How long as that shit stain been on our crew?" Levi asked. Erwin and Hanji looked at each other, thinking before Hanji responded.

"About two and a half months I believe." She said. She smiled. "It seems like just yesterday we brought him on the ship."

"I personally feel like he's just always been part of the crew." Erwin mused, smiling as well. "The boy just brings a life to the ship that it's never had before." Levi rolled his eyes, though he had to agree with both of them. It felt like Eren just joined the crew, but it also felt like the boy had been on their ship for years. And as much as Levi hates to admit it, he'd hate to return to life on the Maria without Eren.

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