Chapter 23

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TW: Cleaning of open wounds, which also includes reaching into said wound to remove foreign material.

Eren sighed as he cleaned the quarter deck early in the morning. He had just dropped off Levi's tea, and was feeling warm and fuzzy inside. He had woken up a little earlier than Mike that morning, and decided to go check on Levi. His captain was up and looking over the Hanji's medical log, staying updated on the injured crewmen, Isabel's update on the ship and progress report on installing the message system, Farlan and Gunther's report and if they saw anything that could extend the length of the journey, as well as supply logs that Farlan had complied from Hanji, Mike and the master gunners, as well as anything Erwin had collected from the crew as concerns about the ship or anything between the members of the crew.

Eren couldn't imagine doing that, as well as cleaning his entire cabin and bathroom, and then there were the messages coming and going from Rose, or the other ship, Sina. It was crazy, and Eren believed that the only reason Levi got everything done was because of his insomnia. But Eren had also seen Levi winced when he went to do something because of his shoulder. And Eren wasn't sure what to do to help. He didn't like seeing Levi in pain. He decided he'd ask Hanji if there was anything he could do to help Levi out a bit.

"Next time you go in, make sure he's been using the ointment I gave him, properly. He'd never purposely ignore my orders, but he might think he's doing better than he is, and skip a few applications..." Hanji handed Eren a jar. "It's more ointment for Levi. Since you're worried, you can give this to him. If he's doing everything right, he should need this beginning today. And remind him he needs to let it set for ten minutes and be laying down so it works into the wound right. He can't just lean back in his chair after applying it. And it needs to be rewrapped after the ointment does it's job. I have the feeling he's cutting corners." Eren nodded and headed to Levi's cabin, bringing the captain more tea and his lunch while he was at it.

"You don't have to get my food for me, Eren. I'm a grown fucking man." Levi said as he leaned back in his chair. Eren placed everything down, and held up the jar.

"Hanji said you should be needing more ointment today." And he placed it on Levi's desk. "She may have also mentioned that after lunch, you'll need to apply more." Eren locked eyes with Levi. "And I wanna help you out in any way I can." Eren said as he sat down with his own lunch across his captain. They've never eaten lunch together. Not because they didn't want to, but because they never really thought about it. And they actually enjoyed it, talking between bites and Eren would listen as Levi would drop bits and pieces of his life on the streets.

"And that's why I will never turn away someone who needs help." Levi finished with his latest story, which happened to have involved his rescue of Armin.

"I've never properly thanked you, but thank you for saving Armin, Levi." Eren said with a soft smile. Levi nodded. "Do you need help with your wound?" Eren asked as he looked to Levi's shoulder.

"I'll be fine Eren." Levi said, going to the buttons of his shirt. But he flinched and Eren was around the desk and kneeling before his captain, swatting away Levi's hands gently and took up removing Levi's shirt. "What the he-"

"You're in pain." Eren said firmly, removing Levi's shirt and seeing that the wrapping job on Levi's wound wasn't as it needed to be. The bandages, while obviously clean, where too loose to do much. Which meant Levi had been doing this himself, which he really shouldn't have been doing. Eren glared at Levi.

"What?" Levi snapped out slightly.

"If you were having problems, you should've asked me to help, Levi. Now come on. Hanji said that you needed to be laying down to-" Eren began to sass, but Levi cut him off.

"I'm fine leaning back in my cha-" Levi began, but Eren was soon in his face.

"Levi, get on the fucking bed. You're done cutting corners." Eren growled. Levi was about to snap something about 'I'm not only your captain, but your elder so respect me you shit', but Eren's eye narrowed. "Bed. Now."

"Or what?" Levi bit out. Eren's face went blank for a second, and the next, Levi was over Eren's shoulder and being carried the few feet over and dropped gently onto his bed as Eren went to grabbing clean bandages and the ointment Levi needed, gloves from Levi's personal cleaning cupboard, as well as cleaned up to his elbows thoroughly. "Did you just fuckin-"

"Shut up and let me treat you." Eren said, sitting on the side of the bed and removing Levi's bandages, glaring at the wound. It was healing, but Eren didn't like it being there in the first place. It was also healing a little slower than it should have been, which means the correct steps weren't being taken. Eren slipped the gloves on before examining Levi's wound more closely, making sure nothing had gotten into it. Eren narrowed his eyes as he saw cotton wadding in the wound that Hanji had put in originally, that Levi must have removed, but hadn't noticed he had left some behind.

"This might hurt." Eren said. The wound was just big enough for Eren to get his fingers in. Levi ground his teeth together as Eren got to work, and if he wasn't used to this kind of pain, he may have thrashed and screamed, even fainted. As soon as Eren was done removing the leftover wadding, he quickly disposed of it and his gloves, washing his hands again and grabbing a new pair of gloves.

"Fuck." Levi growled. Eren sat back down and examined the wound again. Removing the cotton didn't cause any bleeding, so Eren went straight to cleaning the area, drying it, and applying the ointment.

"And you will fucking stay there, on your back, for ten minutes." Eren said sternly. Levi glared as Eren disposed of his gloves and put the ointment away.

"I can't just lie on my back, Eren. I have work to do." Levi said, about to sit up, but Eren pushed him back down, going as far as to climb over Levi and straddle the older pirate. The tip of Eren's nose was just barely brushing Levi's, his green eye staring into Levi's blue.

"You will do as your surgeon tells you." Eren then moved ever so slightly to slot their lips together. "And put my worries at ease, at least a little." Levi rolled his eye.

"Fucking fine." Levi finally agreed. Eren smiled and kissed him again.

"Good. I need to bring Mike our dishes, and then I'll be back, alright?" Eren said, not waiting for Levi to respond, climbing off and heading to do just that. "And if I come back to see you walking about," Eren turned back to Levi with a smile. "I'll tell Hanji and have her come apply your ointment every time you need it." And Eren left, leaving Levi laying down, glaring at the door. He knew Eren would do that too. There was no reason to anger his young lover. Or his crew.

Once Eren had returned, and ten minutes were up, Eren helped Levi sit up so that he could properly redress his wound, and the rest of his captain. As soon as Levi was back in his sling, Eren had him back at his desk.

"I'm fine now, Eren." Levi said with a sigh. After a short pause, he smiled softly. "Thank you." Eren smiled back.

"Good thing my father was a doctor now, isn't it." Eren replied. Levi hummed softly, turning back to his work. Eren shifted from foot to foot for a second, before stepping forward, leaning over Levi's desk and kissing Levi's forehead softly. "If you need help redressing your shoulder, just tell me. I'll come immediately." Eren said softly, bringing a warm feeling into Levi's chest, and causing his covered eye to almost hum pleasantly. A feeling that lasted even after Eren left the room.

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