Chapter 8

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Everyone was buzzing with excitement to see Krista. And while they went over everything to see what they needed restocked, considering they hadn't docked since they got Eren on board, the cabin boy was a little excited as well. After he had finished the laundry, he went and checked his cleaning supplies. He didn't want to give Levi more reasons to yell at him, though the short asshole probably would anyways.

After taking his own inventory check, Eren went to continue his other duties, once he saw Erwin he gave the man his list of items needed.

"Thank you Eren. We should have visual on Krista's ship soon." At that moment, Ymir screamed.

"Krista's ship is being attacked by... THE FUCKING MPS!" The rigger was pissed as all hell, and Erwin narrowed his eyes.

"Captain, looks like we have trouble." Erwin called. The door to Levi's cabin slammed open and the short man already had his cutlass and flintlock pistols fastened to his hips and Eren actually flinched.

"We're taking those fuckers down." Levi roared. "No one attacks one of our own, prepare for battle and to board. Someone tell Olou, Petra, and their powder monkeys to ready the cannons. These fuckers will be sent to Davy Jone's Locker if it's the last fucking thing we do." Eren quickly jumped into action. He made it to the cannon room and was panting when those inside turned to him.

"Captain... Levi... said to... ready the... cannons..." Eren panted. Petra and Olou quickly started their work with their helpers. Eren waited for a message, and after getting the go ahead from Petra, headed straight to the deck, waiting for more orders.

"Someone tell Shit Specs to stand by! I want everyone able to fight on deck!" Levi yelled, and Eren was back to running. He told Hanji what Levi needed of her, and after Hanji said he could leave, he turned to do so, but was stopped anyways.

"Wait, Eren." Hanji began to dig in one of her chests. "You can fight right?"


"What are you most comfortable with using?" The ship surgeon asked.

"Um... daggers or my fists."

"You can't bring fists into this kind of fight Eren." Hanji pulled out a dagger and looked to Eren. "Take this. You most likely will not be on the enemy vessel, but you need to keep them off ours! If you fail, we're sunk." Hanji said. Eren nodded before heading back to the deck. Everyone was armed and ready, and Eren could see the enemy vessel and what must have been the merchant ship.

"EREN!" Levi yelled, and the cabin boy was by his side. "I want you to stay on the ship. I don't know your fighting skills, and I am not risking your life. If you can keep the enemy off the ship, do it. But if not, get your ass out of here with any others still on the ship. Hanji, Mike, and the other's that are staying on the ship know what to do, so fucking listen to them. Do you understand?" Eren gave a quick nod before Levi turned towards the enemy ship.

"FIRE!" Levi ordered, and the cannons fired at the enemy ship. "We're boarding! No one on the MP ship is to be left alive. Kill everyone, raid their supplies, and check on Krista and her ship. We might be taking on extra weight. After this, we're heading back to the island. But first, take them OUT!" And the Maria rammed into the enemy ship.

Those assigned to board went and Eren stood on the deck of the Maria with the others and his dagger was ready, holding the weapon so that the blade wa facing out from his body then the normal in. Eren used his dagger as more of a punch and go then actual stabbing and slicing.

Eren watched carefully as the fight went on. There was yelling, shouting, screaming, cannon fire, and gunfire. And out of the corner of his eye, Eren saw someone he didn't recognize trying to sneak onto their ship. Eren was on them quickly. The man had a sword, and drew it as soon as Eren got closer.

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