Chapter 9 part 4

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       My eyes twitched when I felt something wet drip down my cheek. Someone was shaking me awake frantically. I jumped when I saw Orion's face only mere inches from my own, his face frantic.

      "W-what's wrong?" I asked as I shoved myself into an upright position.

     "We have to go, now!" and he yanked me to my feet in a hurry.

      "Why?!" I asked, my heart pounding against my chest, I let him drag me away.

       "That's why!" He indicated to the sky and my heart stopped. About a mile out was a big, angry clouds raged towards us at an alarming rate. The last time I saw a storm as big as this one it had swept away my home and half of Everlost; after the storm passed we had to rebuild everything. Now I looked at the same storm and this time we had nothing to protect us from the devastation that was coming


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