Chapter 16 part 2

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           "Wake up. Addieca wake up. We can't help you if you won't wake up." Soothed a familiar male voice.

          "Who said we were going to help her?" retorted a high pitched, bitchy voice.

        "Because we might just need her if push comes to shove." Comment another lower, deeper voice.
I was slowly starting to wake up and find my bearings.

       All around me, stood the teenagers who were still alive for the Testing. Eighteen boys and girls stood around me. I recognized some faces, like Victor's friendly face, Wendy's uncomfortable expression, and Molly's glaring eyes, but all the others I didn't recognize.

       "Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Commented a boy with dark skin ad equally darker eyes.

         "Be kind Kyle." Said a dainty girl with blonde hair and freckles.
Victor rolled his eyes at the two of them before turning back to me and says, "Are you okay, Addieca?" he helped me to my feet.

         "I'm fine." I said out of breath. I surveyed my surroundings. We were inside a building, filled with desks and there, on the wall, was a chalk board and an old tattered blue, red and white flag hung on the wall beside it. A classroom?

          "We're in a classroom." I whispered mostly to myself.

          "Of course, we're in a classroom, or have you never seen one? I don't think they have schools in Everlost." Molly sneered. I turned and glare at Molly, but before I could say anything one of the boys shoved me back.

         "Can you two not get into this. Don't forget that we're in this together." He said, I looked from him to Molly and I shrugged his hands off of me.

         "What's the task we're supposed to do?" I asked, looking at all of them. They shifted uncomfortably; they too had no idea what this Test was.

        "So, we have no idea what we're doing here?" I asked, looking around at the classroom.
Victor stepped up to me, "Usually we just have to survive, that's all we have to do. That's all we've ever done." I opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything, a horrible noise of metal rubbing against metal filled the air and we clamped our hands to our ears. The noise was coming closer to our room.

        "And that's our cue to run." Said a boy with tan skin and dark hair. His name was what I believed to be Tyler.
      We didn't say anything, we whipped around and sprinted to the back of the classroom.

       "There's no way out of here!" Molly cried, slamming her hands against the wall.
Her comment caused our group to talk amongst one another; some of the group prayed silently to themselves, while another part of the group talked about strategies to each other.

          I stood alone, my head spinning with wonder and fright.

         We can't just be trapped in this room. They wouldn't want us to die in one go. So, where's the exit?
Everyone fell silent as the door started to rattle.

         "Oh God!" Wendy whispered, her eyes were bulging out of her head, I saw the sweat roll down her face.

I turned my attention back to the door. It had stopped rattling and now stood dormant.

         "What could that have been?" Victor whispered to me.
I only shrugged in response, I didn't let my attention stray from the door.

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