Chapter 3 part 3

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      Henry's was all but empty when Orion and I walked in. Even Henry was no where to be found.

   "Henry where are you?" I called; I placed my bag on the counter. There was no answer, Orion came up behind me and I looked back at him; he was watching me uncomfortably.

    "Henry? Are you here?" I called again, moving towards the back door when it was yanked open and the rat-faced man popped out, his face sweaty and his eyes blood shot.

     "Ah-Addie so pleasant to see you again! Who's your friend?" Henry's eyes shifted from me to Orion.

Orion was about to introduce himself but I moved in front of him, "He's not important. I came here to sell somethings."

Henry paused for a moment before a pleased look arose on his face. "Oh- this is a first. What have you brought for me?" his eyes shone greedily at my bag. Unzipping the bag, I dumped my father's things onto the counter.

   Henry looked everything over before he looked at me, "This is your father's stuff. Will he be coking in today?"

   "No, he's been dead for four days." I said blatantly and it caught both Henry and Orion off guard.

    "Oh-well sorry to hear about that." Henry shifted uncomfortably before he plastered on that toothy smile of his again. "Back to business! You want to sell all of it, correct?"

I nodded, "I want to all gone."

    "I think I can do that." Henry smiled and he started to rummage around through everything and it felt like an invasion. I felt like he was digging through everything that kept me from falling and I had to turn around to keep myself from yanking it all away from him and running home.


      The sun was half way touching the ground when Orion and I yanked ourselves onto our horses and left the town in silence. And we rode east until we saw the dark shadow of my house and barn in the distance and my heart broke. I had no family to come home to; there was no one waiting for me.

    Inside, the house felt like it had dropped ten degrees the moment we walked in. It seemed so much emptier and I again felt tears well up in my eyes. "I sold everything." I whispered quietly to myself as I sat down on the old lumpy couch and I stared odd into nothingness. I heard an exasperated sigh and Orion knelt down in front of me.

    "You didn't sell everything." he said as he pulled out a rather old gold band and he shoved it in my hands.

My heart thumped hard against my chest when I looked at the old thing, "This is my dad's wedding ring! Where did you get it?'

    "I pulled it out of the pile before that rat look-a-like could see it and take it."

    "Why would you do that?" I asked, my voice barely over a whisper.

    "Because it's the least I could do for you helping me."

I nodded and I whispered a "Thank you." before I wandered back into my dad's room to sleep the night away.

*sorry that chapter 3 was so broke up into parts, it's one of those long chapters.*

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