Chapter 17

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           "So, you know about Oblivion?"
I nodded, "Yes I do."

            "And who told you about Oblivion?" he asked propping his head up with his hand.
I stayed quiet, just because Orion brought me here against my will, I still didn't want him to be trouble or worse.
Aris sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "So it appears you've been talking with my brother."

           "Brother? What are you talking about?"

          "Of course, you wouldn't know about my brothers, we're not too fond of letting people know about our lineage." Explained Aris, but I was even more confused.
Seeing my confusion, Aris went into detail, "Forgive me, I forgot that my brothers and I don't have much of a resemblance. So, let me tell you; it appears you've been talking with my brothers, Orion and Allister."
        I was floored, my face paled and my head spun causing me to feel dizzy and nauseous. I slumped down in the seat, trying to keep from puking.

"They're your brothers?" I uttered, my brain pounded against my skull. "But how?"

         "Half-brothers. We have the same father, different mothers." Aris illustrated, he looked uncomfortable, like he really didn't want to talk about lineage an siblings.

I sat mute, nothing made sense anymore.

          "I know that this is a lot to take in, I understand that, but right at the moment you need to concentrate on what happened in the Testing -."
I cut him off, I didn't want to hear anymore from him, "I want to go back to my room. Take me back to my room, right now!" I wailed. I felt like a child, demanding things. Aris was quiet before nodding, "Okay, no need to shout. We'll follow up on this topic later. I'll escort you to your room." He pushed himself from his chair and stood by my side. He reached over to help me, he placed his hand on my shoulder. I shoved his hand away from me.

           I didn't want to be touched, not by him, not by anyone to be exact. Aris, getting the message, took a step away from me; allowing me to stand up on my own. We left his office, me in front and him a foot – or – so – behind me, making sure to keep his distance.

       I refused to speak, even when Aris tried to talk to me; I kept my eyes forward. Nearing closer to my room, two figures stood by the door, speaking to one another in hushed whispers. My heart rate picked up when I saw who the two men were, the exact two I really didn't want to see right now.

         "What are they doing here?" I spat at Aris, who only looked unconcerned.

          "I don't know. I guess they wanted to see if you were okay, I bet." Aris spoke in a bored, unamused tone. I glanced up at him, his eyes looked cold as steel; like he wasn't pleased to see Allister and Orion.

          "Red, you're alright!" Allister and Orion approached us. "We heard that you woke up so we – mostly I – decided to come see if you were okay!" Allister smiled, while Orion stood back, he glared at Aris who glared back at him.

          I watched the three of them with displeasure and anger. How dare they... how dare these people – these things do this to me – to us, all of us! They've taken me from my home, my city! No, they didn't just take me away from Everlost, they destroyed it. Burnt it to the ground, like everyone who inhabited Everlost were nothing but grains of sand, easy to take away and easy to replace. I wanted to hurt them like the way they've hurt us, but I didn't just want to hurt the three brothers that stood before me but everyone who kept us prisoner here.

       I stared into Allister's eyes and I realized something, something in his eyes didn't seem human. They didn't have a human like look to them, too many colors, too many tones that weren't genetically possible. In fact, their faces and bodies were all to perfect, to perfect to ever possibly be human. My eyes wandered to Orion, who stared back.

How could I have possibly mistaken these two – him – as anything but inhuman.

         "Are you okay, Addieca? Why are you crying?" I was startled when Orion spoke to me. I reached up and wiped away my tears, I hadn't even realized I was crying.
I looked at Orion; he didn't look at all like they guy I had found lying face down in Everlost. I had to get out of this place.

        "Yes, I am. I think I just need to lay down." In a haze, I pushed passed Orion and Allister. I need to find a way out of here. Aris turned to leave.
I paused in my tracks at the door, my fingers tapped onto the door frame, "Aris," Aris stopped walking and turned back around to face me. "if you're available I would be willing to talk about... what I saw during the Testing." A trace of a smile graced his face, "I would like that." And he turned and walked down the corridor, leaving me alone with Allister and Orion.

        "Are you sure you're okay, Addieca?" Orion asked. My eyes traveled to Orion's and that's where I found the family resemblance; his eyes matched Allister's and Aris's, they were a kaleidoscope of colors.

       "Yes, I am. Thank you." I say quietly and I entered my room, leaving the two of them behind.

         I laid on my bed, still in the clothes I wore this morning, my mind was swimming. I couldn't help but think of Oblivion; I had no idea how I would escape off this ship. My mind was in a fog, I was completely stumped I had no idea I would get off this god forsaken ship. I closed my eyes, my head pounding, I could feel a headache coming on.
          Sitting up, I pushed myself off my bed and towards the bathroom.

          I played with the nobs in the bathtub until the water started to pour down like rain. I stripped myself of my clothes and I stepped inside the tub; letting the water warm up my skin. This place has more water than I've ever seen in my whole life. They wasted water like it was nothing, like it wasn't a necessity.

     I leaned against the cool metal that surrounded me. The water beat down on my back, luring me to sleep.

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