Chapter 14

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        "Come on Addie, time to wake up. Addie let's wake up now." A groggy voice called from above me; my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw Aris's blue eyes staring down on me. I was sitting up right in the hard leather chair.

         "Hey Addie, nice of you to wake up." Aris smiled at me and a sod escaped my lips, I let my head roll back against the back against the back of the chair.

        "What do you want from us?" I sobbed, sweat glistened against my face.

          "I want nothing from the other two; what I want from you is knowledge. Knowledge of the survival of the human race, the need-the want for humans to survive in stressful, horrible situations. Of course, all these things will be explained to you later in time but for now let's get you sorted in your living facility." He reached for my arm; the sleeve of his shirt shifted and I saw to my horror a tattoo painted on the inside of his wrist, it was of the two triangles, their tips touching in an hourglass shape, with a cross going right through it. It was the same tattoo painted on Orion's back.

       He's one of them!

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