♥ A West Coast Romance ♥

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Hi, this is my first watt pad book! Its not going to be perfect, but tell me what ive done wrong so I can fix it...the characters only swear when there Max, and this boom wont always be this depressing. Its a romance.....but anyways... can I please have 1 vote on this chapter? Please? Thank you! Now read my story ----->


"Your such a God damn hypocrite!"

" Furious was an understatement. I was beyond pissed off. And the truth is, I'm just tired of his school.

"How the hell am I the hypocrite Claire?!?"

I.have.had.it."you think you fucking have family problems! My mom and dad were fighting every fucking night. Last night he drove off. Left me. And guess what else. He fucking died! He was hit by an oncoming car and he died. So you know what? Leve me the hell alone Victoria! You don't know shit!".

Yea pissed was an understatement here. Yet I was torn because I hurt. So much., They all stared at me with there mouths open.


I roared. Then I realized what I just said. Shit.

"Claire, calm down. Please?" Taylor,poor sweet innocent Taylor. Yea now I felt bad that she had to hear that. Shit.

"Claire your eyes are like, freacking glowing green right now." Nickolas chimed in.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Yea, another one of my traits. "You know there green when im pissed or sad."

" Her eyes started to well up.

"Why are you crying? Did i do something wrong?" Shit. Did i? "You know when you cry, i cant help but cry."

Then i realized that i was crying. Were these tears of anger,or sorrow?

"Im sorry." I really am. I hate seeing others cry. Expsecially when i know im the one who caused it.

 "Why be sorry claire? Im the one who's sorry. I didnt know about your dad. Why didnt you tell me?" She looked at me with her blue eyes, full of sorrow and pain. They were puffy and red from crying. He was like her dad too. Her dad left her 10 years ago,when she was just six. From then on, my dad treated her just like his own.

"I couldnt. And besides i dont want your pity."

I forgot that everyone was still staring at me. "Do you have a fucking staring problem or something?"

Man, i really need to lighten up today. I dont need anyone else in this world to hate me. Everyone immidiatly turned their heads.

"Good." Wow, ive become mega bitch today. Hmmm.

"Are you ok Claire?" Uh oh. My guidence cousrler. "I'm fine." A fake smile plastered all over my face.

Yeah, I can always fake a smile. I mean, ive learner how to by now after all this shit has happened. "Ok,well cone see me if there's ever anything wrong." Yeah, sure. If i came to her every time something was wrong, id be the only person she ever takes to. "Sure" she walks away

. All eyes return to me. "Whatever" I mumble under my breath. Im done.

"Claire! Claire! Get your ass back over here now!" Oops. Taylor only curses when shes pissed. A little thing she picked up from me. "Stop ignoring me!"

My head imeddiatly jerked to where she was standing. "I'm sorry Taylor, but right now I'm afraid that if I talk to anybody, then ill just all my anger out on them. So just leave me alone for a bit." I could feel the tears coming back.

"Whatever Claire, you could have just said you didn't want to be friends in the first place." She storms off. What the hell? Whatever. Ill ignore it for now. All I know is that I'm dreading to go home. I dont know how I can go back

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