Roses on Fire

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What once was
Shall be no longer.
Like a rose, we were beautiful;
Naïve to a fault,
Pure to where it was painful.
What vivacious young love we had.

We were dreamers;
Indulging in the moment,
Ignorant to bitter reality.
We bounced off the impulse of the present,
Only to be unsatisfied with the results.

The future was bleak;
Grey apathy sank into you,
The jaws of depression sawed me apart.
Secrets boiled into bad blood,
Our hidden venom seeped from our souls.

Like a game of tug of war,
We went back and forth,
Wrenching and dragging the other
In and out of our lives.
Our foundation faltered and cracked.

And then the heat became cold.
I cut ties,
I lifted burdens,
Yet you failed to change,
Still pursuing that which willnot fulfill you.
But that was your doing.

The aftertaste managed to linger.
Your image stained my brain,
Burned my tongue,
Lashed my heart.
What an unsavory memory you left,
Yet I simply disappeared.

We were like roses,
Beautiful and unscathed.
But beauty is so easily incinerated and destroyed.
All that remains are thorns and ashes;
Nothing ever arises from the wasteland.

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