For All Our Youth

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We are young;
So full of life,
So full of energy.
We have not a care in the world
As we run down hills
And skip rocks across the lake,
Tracing the lines of tree stumps
And staring at passing clouds.
Time seems so infinite,
Yet flies by with the breeze.

When you're older
And time has caught up with us,
I promise I'll hold you close,
Even after your last breath.
And as my color fades and tears stream down my face,
I'll be thankful that I had you,
Even if our lives our finite and pain overstays its welcome.

And whatever is left of me
In the living land of silence
Will await my last waking days.
When my legs give out
And I can no longer fling rocks across the lake's surface,
I'll look at my reflection,
And wonder where it all went.

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