Pale in Comparison

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Let me close my eyes and run with you;
But a figment of my imagination,
Yet real for a moment.
By the day, I yearn more for your attention.
Please, notice me.

You'd make me laugh to the point of tears,
And I would be blessed with your smile,
Our voices like a song.
Your beauty is surpassed by no other.
Please, notice me.

I'd hold your hands in the warmth of light,
Your eyes reflecting joy,
My heart on fire.
Take a deep breath and look to the moon.
Please, notice me.

I'd give you a hundred roses,
I'd write you a hundred poems.
But words can't paint what I'm feeling
Whenever I think of you.
I'd draw you a hundred portraits,
I'd sing you a hundred songs.
But a simple phrase isn't enough
To say I'm infatuated by you.

Yet I know this is all an illusion of hope;
There's no way I can get to you,
A gift of human perfection,
Such a beautiful mystery.
Lost in thought, I'm but a dreamer.
You'll never notice me.

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