8 I want to know what love is

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I had changed so much since my mom died but even more so since the haircut that reinvented me. I now lived my life as Brooklyn, I was only called Emily at school. Fiona and Gina hadn't spoken to me since the party at Tammy's place. I hadn't tried to talk to them either.

Things had been a little awkward at school to begin with, my ex friends would avoid me at all costs. Having the two people I loved the most in the world ignoring me was hard but I got use to it. I took on more shifts at the club, when I wasn't with Andrew I was working. I didn't have the time to feel depressed.

Andrew and I began to date officially not long after Tammy's infamous party. Andrew knew first hand what my job entailed so there was no worries in my mind that he would use it against me. I actually liked him and wanted a real relationship which was unusual for me. Since I can remember I never trusted a man , I never wanted anything serious. Andrew was different he made me feel safe, he was a large guy so he could protect me. It's not as though he was all muscles like some vin diesel wannabe he was chubby but strong. He had a buzz cut and was covered in tattoos, I think if anyone who didn't know him met him on a dark night they would feel intimated.

Andrew had a small house in Queens near the bar so most nights when I had been drinking I would stay there with him. Life was ok , Andrew was a little controlling but I could understand his need to look after me. I did have some scary encounters at work so I honestly didn't mind. He made me realize it was ok to rely on someone than myself . There had been this one occasion where a guy from the club followed me home and showered me with gifts and flowers. The greying man told me I didn't need to dance anymore, he said he had enough money to keep me for the rest of my life. He wanted to be my sugar daddy , I didn't consider it for a moment. I called the police and had him removed it was seriously scary, but on the bright side he did leave me some seriously hot shoes. Every cloud has a silver lining as my mum would say.

I heard Tammy's heels clicking on the floor before I saw her, she really knew how to make an entrance.

"Brooklyn. There's a guy out front asking to see you. He's wanting a dance" Tammy said in between breaths, she really did need to cut down on the cigarettes.

Money wise things were ok I had gotten in the habit of saving half of my earnings each week. I was planning on attending college so I needed every penny I could get, but my shift had ended and I promised Andrew I would go to his straight from work.

I lifted my white loose sun dress over my sexy underwear and pushed my hair to the side. Andrew would be expecting me any minute I didn't want to keep him waiting.

"I finished 10 minutes ago ask someone else" I complained, I was determined to leave. Andrew and I had argued a few times so I didn't want to rock the boat.

"He's offering $500" Tammy replied as a huge smirk filled her face.

I turned and gave her my full attention "$500 for 1 dance, sounds fishy ". I was more than a little curious but it sounded too good to be true.

Tammy placed a lit cigarette in her mouth and inhaled deeply before replying "it's totally legit darling, he gave me the money. I told him that you weren't available and it made him want you more."

"Fine, one song only" I was defeated I couldn't say no to $500. I sent Andrew a quick message before I stripped and went back to the dark private rooms.

"Didn't you get the message" I complained as I saw my waiting client. It was the old guy I had called the police on just days before. 

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