31 I wish it could be Christmas every day

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Christmas had been a dream it really had, Donnies family had spent the entire holiday with us at our home. June and I cooked a huge feast while the men watched sports and bonded. Our home was a buzz with music and alcohol, everyone of our 4 guest rooms were taken. Gina, Mae, Will and his girlfriend spent Christmas with us. We exchanged gifts, jokes and stories. The fact we were sharing the occasion with Donnie family made it perfect. Everything I had always seen on old Christmas movies didn't even compare to how perfect our Christmas was. We sat by the fire and and exchanged gifts, obviously the fire wasn't on it was still warm in LA.

My gift from Donnie was as I expected was over the top but I had learned not to argue. I had used a large amount of my money from Nike to buy Donnie a rare Rolex watch. He loved it, he put it on immediately. I had always preferred to give than to receive, there was something magical about watching someone's face when they opened a gift you had thought so hard about.

We were spending new years eve at Our neighbours, they were having a huge party and we were happy to be invited. Donnie had received so many invitations but he said he wanted to be close to home so we could leave when we wanted. Also there was no danger of any press lurking at a private party.

I was sat on our bed applying my make up when my Christmas present skipped in to the room. My little pug jumped at the bed but was far too small to make the big jump. I grabbed her little body and plonked her by my side,  she had other ideas she pounced onto my lap making my make up scatter. I laughed and started to fuss my little puppy, she was such an attention seeker. If you were sat next to her but wasn't stroking her she would nudge your hand with her nose. The puppy would bark like crazy if you ignored her and didn't pick her up, Donnie said she was a devil dog.

"lucifer, where are you" I heard Donnie call. I wondered what my the baby had been up to this time.

"her names Roxy" I shouted.

Donnie entered the room and look at the little bundle of fur, "lucifer is more appropriate, she's just chewed my gym bag. Look" he held up his black bag and it had indeed been chewed. I held back a laugh, how could such a small dog do that much damage.  Roxy quickly jumped off my lap and tried to hide herself under the bedding.

"little shit" Donnie laughed. He found the little monster and took her to play in the garden so we could get ready in peace. There was only do much damage she could do outside.

I wore my hair straight, I was surprised how long it was. I would need to get this cut when I could get in the salon. I wasn't wearing my signature red lipstick I decided instead to wear a nude matt colour. I dressed in teal sequin mini dress and slipped on high silver heels. I wore the matching diamond earrings and bracelet Donnie had bought me. I admired myself in the mirror. I was s completely different woman,  my mother wouldn't recognise me. I was once a scrawny brunette in thrift store clothes and now I had a toned body, blonde hair and a designer outfit. Every part of me was now primped to perfection. Long gone were the days where I had short chipped nails and mousy un styled hair.

My appearance may have changed but I was still the same woman,  I still appreciated every penny I had. I knew how lucky I was and never took it for granted. Donnie and I spent the day after Christmas at a homeless shelter serving food and spending time with everyone. We had kept the plan to ourselves so there was no chance of the press finding out and they didn't show up until we were leaving. Donnie had been wrong about them loosing interest in us they would still run after us trying to snap a photo. I didn't think I would ever get use to being on the gossip pages,  I would never understand why people had interest in me. I was just a normal girl who happened to fall in love with a sports star.

"how do you feel about getting married in August" Donnie called.

We hadn't discussed marriage since we had gotten engaged so this had caught me off guard. Donnie walked in the room, he looked so handsome in his skinny jeans and an Armani shirt.

"August this year,  I mean next year. Why August" I asked, I had thought our engagement would last longer. I was still young, I didn't feel mature enough to be married.

"So we could have a month honeymoon afterwards,  it's off season so we wouldn't have work to worry about" Donnie answered, he had obviously been thinking about it.

"it's only 8 months away" I argued, weddings took so much planning and I was afraid that I had too much on my plate. I had my studio, the Mike sponsorship and I was getting regular walk in roles in tv.

"we can hire a wedding planner, it can be done in 8 months. That reality star planned a wedding in 8 days and that was nice enough"  I realised he must have been referring to one of the Kardashians.

"OK" I gave in, I usually gave in easily with Donnie. Donnie always had my best interest at heart, he gave me a triumphant smile and left the room.

We entered our neighbours party and it was crazy, the whole room was full. The music was classical and canapés were being taken around by men in tuxedos. It was clear to see that Donnie and I were not appropriately dressed. We had expected a jagger bomb type of party not the classy soirée we were in.

"should we go to the party at Wills place" he whispered, he felt just as out of place as I did.

"please"  I replied quickly.

We greeted the hosts and apologised, Donnie told them we had to attend my cousins party. We quickly left and I drove us wills apartment. Donnie called the private car service he used and arranged a car to pick us up in the morning.

The party at wills place was crazy,  everyone was drunk and happily dancing so we slipped straight in. No one really paid much attention to Donnie which we both appreciated. We found Gina and Mae in the small kitchen area drinking shots so we happily joined in. The music was blaring and the crowd were dancing and drinking. Donnie pulled me to him and begged me to dance with him. luckily I had a week off work so I would have time for my feet to heal after Donnies assault. Donnie was no good at dancing but you couldn't be good at everything. I would have to reach him before we married.

As the clock struck twelve the room erupted into cheers, Donnie pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"your last year as a miss is over" he whispered.

I cuddled into him and smiled, I had already drank so much so I was a little clumsy on my feet. I rested my weight on him and closed my eyes, I breathed in his scent. Donnie always smelt familiar and safe if I could bottle him and Wear him I would have.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed cuddled next to my fiancé.

Life was good, new year new adventures. This time next year I would be a married woman.

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