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Donnie was playing at home so I was able to go with his dad who was visiting us. We were sat on the courtside seats waiting for the game to start, it had been a feew weeks since I had seen a game live. Work had been crazy I hadn't been able to come and support him. I was desperate to spend more time with Donnie but between work and my commitments with Nike it was hard to see him. Donnie had practice,  he also had so many press engagements so we had to try hard to make time for us to be together. 

The stadium erupted into cheers  as the home side stepped on the court. I saw my handsome man and screamed for him. He looked so sexy and super tall when he was in his uniform.

"I wish June could have come, she loves watching him play" Fred said as he stood and cheered.

"there's plenty of other chances" I replied kindly.

He didn't reply,  he just looked at the court wistfully. The first half of the game had been great, Donnies team was winning by 10 points. Fred seemed a little distant, I could see his mind was else where but I didnt push him to talk. I got us a beer and some nachos while we waited for the game to start. Fred like his son was a big eater so when he hardly touched his food I became a little worried. I decided to message June to see if she knew what was wrong.

*Hi June, me and Fred are at the game but his heads not really here is everything OK*

*everything is OK,  he just worries* she replied.

What was he worrying about, it must be about June. He had said she was ill but didn't elaborate. I felt it in my gut that something wasn't right.

*how are you, feeling any better*

June replied almost instantly

* Ill be fine, we will discuss it when you come up next weekend. Don't worry*

Now I was worried, what was there to discuss if she just had a bug like Fred had said. I would not share my suspicions with Donnie, his parents would surely tell him if anything was wrong I thought.

The last 5 minutes of the game had arrived and the team was still winning. I watched in horror as the opposing team's captain collided with Donnie sending him flying into the ground. Donnies knee slammed into the ground, I jumped from my seat so I could see Donnies face. Donnie was in pain, his face was twisted and red. It was clear to see he was injured, i hoped he would be OK but somehow I knew he would be out of commission for a while.

The team doctor told Donnie that he would need corrective surgery to repair the ACL ligament. He would be out of play for most of the season. Donnie was not impressed and asked for a second option, he didn't want to miss any games. He felt like he was letting the team down, he just wanted the surgery and to get back to work.  we drove home in silence,  neither Donnie or fred looked happy. Donnie went to the bar as soon as we got home, he made himself  a large drink. Fred went straight to his room and we didn't see him again that night. They really weren't the best company.

"Donnie are you OK, I brought you something to eat" I said as I placed a plate in front of him.

"I'm not hungry"

"babes you need to eat" he had even refused lunch and usually he ate like a horse after a game.

"I've worked all my life for this and now some stupid injury has me on the bench" he was wallowing but I couldn't blame him.

"upside is we will get more time together" he said as he squeezed my hand.  He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes.  Donnie picked at his food, he wasn't interested he was just humouring me. I saw Donnies phone light up and his face dropped, news of Donnies injury was all over the Internet. His club had even released a statement confirming he would be out of action for months.

"I'm free all week,  do you want to go home with your dad for a visit"  I asked, I hoped being home would cheer him up.

"yeah OK I've nothing else to do" he replied bitterly.

We packed and made the arrangements to go to Boston for a few days. Fred was happy to be going back to see June,  he said he was worrying too much to enjoy his visit.

June cried when we walked through the door, fred quickly walked to her and held her close. June looked pale against freds olive skin,  her arms look so thin. I gasped a little when I got closer, she was so frail. There was definitely something going on,  there was no way she only had a bug.

"what's going on" Donnie asked, it seemed he had noticed his mother didn't seem right. Whoever said men weren't observant had never met Donnie.

His parents looked at eachother strangely, the tension was thick in the air. Something was definitely going on, I sat on the sofa across from June and saw multiple bottles of pills sat on the table.

"sit down Donnie" June said kindly.

Donnie sat without objection, I took his hand in mine. Whatever was coming wouldn't be good.

"I saw the doctor a few months because i was in a lot of pain so he sent me for some tests. Well I may as well just rip the band aid clean off" June paused, I felt Donnie stiffen beside me.

"I have lung cancer well I did have lung cancer, I was told Friday that it had spread"

Fred turned away, I could see tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I can get you the best doctors,  I'll call now I have a friend at the hospital in LA"  Donnie was mumbling,  he was speaking so quickly.

June was shaking her head, "I've seen the best there is nothing left for them to do, I just have to make the most of the time left"

"why are you giving up" Donnie snapped. He was angrily running his long fingers through his hair , he looked like he was about to explode.

"son lower your voice, we haven't given up. There is no treatment left it's just a waiting game now. I could have a day or it could be year. A year is optimistic" June was crying,  she reached behind her and took a oxygen mask and placed it against her face. Seeing his mother struggling to breath  pushed Donnie over the edge, he put his hands on his face to hide his tears.

"I thought I had so much time,  I may not be here to see you get married" she sobbed breathlessly.

I had lost my mum to cancer just 4 years ago,  it was soul destroying. Cancer was a cruel bitch. I didn't want to see another woman I loved whither away.

I had to be strong for Donnie, I swore I would be there for him.

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