Part 46

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Buck happily settled into life in Vegas, he would have breakfast with me then follow me to the casino where the filming was. I would give buck an allowance every day for the slots, I felt awkward giving him a budget like a child but his son had said this was the condition for buck coming with me.

"I'm shooting till around 1, so if you want to meet me here we will go for lunch" I told buck as I left him at the slots.

"yeah fine, can we have seafood today" buck asked.

"OK do you know a place pops or do you want me to ask for a place"

"a guy I was in the war with owns a place on the strip" buck replied.

"OK, please don't have any alcohol this morning. I will join you for a drink tonight" I said as I left, I knew full well he would be ordering a drink as soon as I left. I had spoken to the manager and requested he only be served 2 whiskeys and after that just soda or juice.

I walked into the changing room and was immediately approached by hair and make up. I had offered to do my own but I was actually enjoying it. It was nice to be pampered once in a while.

After I was dressed and made up I made my way to the room where the second round of the auditions would be taking place. I saw buck sitting where I left him playing, I waved as I walked by. He was too busy swearing at the machine to wave back.

We sat at our designated seats and waited for the dancers to take to the stage. We had seen ten of the dancers by the time lunch was called. I had seen two of my dancers one of which I knew I would send home, it could have been nerves that made her routine Not enjoyable but honestly I think she was just a 1 trick pony.

I met buck at the exit and headed to the valet to collect my car. Buck insisted on driving as he said he knew exactly where the restaurant was, I was surprised when we actually arrived there on the first attempt. Buck was just parking the cat when Donnie called.

"hi kid how did it go"

"hi it went great, pops and I have just come out for lunch. How was practice"

"it was really great actually, how much did pops lose"

I turned to buck " pops, Donnie wants to know if your winning "

Buck huffed "I'm down 300, I hope your buying lunch"

I giggled "did you hear that" I asked down the phone.

"yeah . Is there anyway he can come watch the auditions. Dad said he needed to pace himself" Donnie replied.

" pops, Donnie says you have to come to work with me or Fred will make you go home" I was almost scared to say it, buck hated when people treated him like a child but he forgot he wasn't 21 anymore. Buck would drink and gamble all day if allowed.

"I'm sure he forgets I'm the parent, I don't need his permission" buck complained under his breath.

"your gonna regret taking him" Donnie joked.

I laughed, he was a little challenging but I liked spending time with him.

"what day are you coming up to celebrate your birthday"  I asked, Flora had already told me. I had already started planning.

"Wednesday kid, you missing me" he asked, he knew damn well I was. I wanted to be at home with him.

"you know I am, I can't wait to celebrate with you" I replied.

"me too,  I've gotta go love you kid"

"love you too" I said as I hung up.

I joined buck in the small seafood restaurant , the furniture was stark only a few marine photos hung on the walls. I watched as buck spoke to a man behind the counter. He was around Fred's age so I doubted it was the man buck has met when he was in the army.

I sat in a small booth and browsed the menu,  it was rustic traditional seafood the type I loved.

"my buddy is retired, that's his son. He says he's going to the home to visit him tomorrow, he said he didn't mind taking me along" buck said as he sat at the table.

"that sounds like it will be a nice day, you will have to call me and I will pick you up when your ready" I replied. I was glad that He had plans other than gambling.

We ate our meal and headed back to the taping, we had to see another 10 contestants before we could finish filming for the day.

"hi everyone this is Donnies pops buck,  hes going to watch the filming" I said as buck sat to the left of me where the cameras wernt filming.

" nice to meet you sir, would you like a drink" Stuart asked.

"a cheeky whisky won't hurt" buck said quietly, hoping I wouldn't hear.

I smirked but just let him get on with it I whispered to Geri that he shouldn't have anymore alcohol after that one. Geri said she would tell everyone for me.

The contestants started to take to the stage, a red head I remembered from the first day of auditioning started to dance. The woman was better than I had remembered I was suddenly very sorry that she wasn't on my team.

"wow that was amazing I wish you were on my team" I said after my fellow judges had given their critiques.

"Emily why don't you have her on your team are you crazy" papa buck called. I closed my eyes and sighed before the room erupted into laughter.

"pops your meant to be silent remember" I said in fake annoyance.

"Emily I can't keep quiet when there's an angel dancing on the stage" buck replied.

Stuart and the crew were laughing at bucks audacity.

The rest of the auditions went pretty much the same way, buck would state his opinion loudly. I should have been annoyed but like usual I found myself laughing at him. Because of all bucks interruptions we would have a lot of footage that would need filming again. As we left that night the crew all called buck a legend, I doubted Stuart and the people in charge of the editing found the extra work funny.

I was amazed when Stuart told me on the Wednesday that everyone had enjoyed the footage of buck and I together. They had decided to use the footage of our argumentative banter on their website as bonus material. Stuart had mentioned offering buck a salary to watch dancers after the judges had and for him to give his own opinion. Everyone seemed to relate to buck and I,  they loved seeing us conversing.

I loved that man like he was my own grandfather


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