9 I still haven't found what im looking for

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His fist connected with my jaw, it made a small crunching noise. My jaw was throbbing I didn't have long to think about the pain before I felt a sharp blow to my head. His strong hands bounced of me until I fell to the floor, my head bounced against the cold tiles. The metallic taste of blood was filling my mouth, It splattered blood across my face.

His foot connected with my ribs, they crunched under the pressure. He kicked again. His booted foot slammed on my thigh, I screamed I was writhing in agony. I could feel the blood dripping down my face and it was pooling on the ground.

My eyes were swollen I could hardly see, the lids were so heavy. I was struggling to keep my eyes open, finally I gave in and closed them. I surrender to the pain and lost myself in the agony.

I felt half dead when I heard a woman's scream, I peaked through my eye lids and saw Sofia hovering over me. She was crying, she looked mortified. I couldn't understand why Andrews mother was here, I wasn't even sure where I was anymore all I knew was that I was in pain. I was drowning in the pain. I was surrounded by darkness it was consuming me


"Brooklyn, Brooklyn can you hear me. Can you open your eyes for me" a strange voice called.

I attempted to open them fully but I couldn't, a light shone in my eyes as I was lifted on a gurney. The light was hurting I just wanted the darkness to return.

"my names Emily" I manage to whisper.

"Emily hold on, we're getting you to the hospital" the voice said as I slipped back into darkness. Sweet darkness where my body wasn't ravaged by pain.

I couldn't open my eyes it hurt too much, I tried to sleep but the constant beeping around me would not allow it. I wanted to call out and ask what was happening but my lips were swollen and bruised.

"doctor will you tell us about her condition" a familiar voice asked.

"are you family" the doctor asked.

"I'm her grandmother Sophia"

Sophia was stood at the bottom of my bed and she was lying to the doctor. I was so confused, it felt like I had been in a car crash. I couldn't remember what had happened all I knew was pain.

"she's had a mild concussion , 3 broken ribs, a broken nose and her eardrum ruptured. Other than that it's all superficial injuries. She has some very nasty bruising and cuts to her face and body" the doctor said.

"oh my God poor baby, will she recover" Sophia asked, her voice was laced with concern.

"I believe she will make a full recovery, she's luckily in good physical health" the doctor said before he left the room.

I laid and thought about my injuries, that explained why I was in so much pain. I couldn't remember what had happened I just remembered arguing with Andrew in his kitchen then it all went black.

I could hear Sophia moving to my side, she sat and took my hand in hers. Her soft wrinkled hands were stroking mine.
"Brooklyn, I mean Emily. I need to get use to calling you by your own name. I don't know if you can hear me but I hope you can. I'm so sorry that my son did this to you, I didn't raise him to hit women. I'm so ashamed, Emily please get better. We all love you" her voice was quiet and nervous. Sofia sounded so sad I wished I could open my mouth to speak to her but I couldn't.

I could hear her remove her rosary beads from her bag, she put them between our hands and prayed. I hoped god could hear her. I wanted the pain to go away. When Sofia left so wrapped the beads in my palm.

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