56 All the small things

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The day of wills wedding had finally arrived, Johnny and I were going to be attending together. It was going to be the first time will and some of my other friends would be meeting him and I was a little nervous.

I hadn't been in LA for over a year, it felt so foreign to me like i was seeing it for the first time. It felt weird to be here without my dog but it just made things easier to come alone.

I applied a natural layer of make up and a matt neutral coloured lipstick, the trademark red I use to wear had left my life when Donnie did. I dressed in a grey floral gown and left my hair down . I clipped some to the side with an intricate black flower grip Johnny had bought, he had seen it when he was Out one day and thought it would match the dress I had bought for the wedding. Johnny was considerate like that he would often buy little trinkets that he thought I would like, he would constantly think of me.

I found myself gawping at Johnny as he walked out of the bathroom, he was wearing a black pair of trousers and a crisp white shirt with a skinny grey tie that matched my dress perfectly. Johnny had even combed his hair so it wasn't as wild as usual. He had shaved the stubble from his face , he almost looked clean cut.

"You look beautiful" he said as he held me at arms length.

"You look so sexy" I said as I checked him out. I couldn't believe how much effort he had made for me.

"What do we think about the bride" he asked.

"I've met her twice, they didn't get serious until I left for vegas. She seems nice, a little high maintenance but nice"

"Do I need to put my name on your dance card or do I get priority"

"Dance card, its the 21st century you know. I'll make sure you have as many dances as you want"

"Hope so , I'm jealous of all those greedy eyes that will be looking at you" he said sexily. I knew it would be the other way around, the women would be gawping at him.

"They may look but only you will be taking me home"

"Too fucking right, I'm a lucky boy" he said lovingly as he kissed my cheek.

I couldn't stop looking at him as we walked from the hotel room and down to the large room where the wedding was to take place. Johnny really was a beautiful man, I couldn't believe how different he looked when he cleaned himself up. I was surprised that Johnny was leaving our room without his trademark dark eye make up.

"Will " I called as I saw him walking towards me.

Will smiled brightly and walked faster until his big arms were around me. He looked so smart in his dark blue suit, I was so happy to see him. I introduced him to Johnny and he was suddenly acting like a star struck school boy.

"It's great having a best friend who dates all my heroes " will joked, he was right. He had been a huge fan of donnies and he enjoyed Johnny's music also.

I cringed a little, I didn't want him mentioning my ex in front of Johnny.

"I thought you should know that I invited Donnie but he won't be coming" will said guiltily. I had known that Johnny attending would be a possibility. It had been so long since I had seen him so I wasn't sure how I feel if I did see him in the flesh.

Things were threatening to become awkward so Johnny made a joke.

"So how are your feet" Johnny teased referring to the upcoming wedding. I know I didn't suffer from cold feet before my wedding, it had truly felt like the most natural thing in the world.

"Warm, hot even" will joked.

We took our seats next to the aisle, johnnys fingers were entwined with mine. I looked around the room to see who I recognised , I saw Gina and mae sat a few rows away. i hoped neither of them would try and talk to me ,I would politely ignore them and walk away. I was here to see my friend get married not for any drama.

I watched happily as my best friend got married , I knew it would last they had been together long enough to know what they wanted out of life.

The ceremony was sweet, I cried as they read out their handwritten vows. It was obvious they adored each other ,the way they looked at one another was like the way Johnny looked at me. I knew that one day, not anytime soon but one day I would want to marry Johnny.

The ceremony ended so we followed the happy couple out of the room and towards the reception.

"I'm just gonna go for a smoke" Johnny said as he lifted his lighter from his pocket.

"I'll come with you, I could do with some air" we stood in the hotel gardens with Wills older brother and discussed the wedding. Johnny laughed at the story Will had mentioned in his vows. We kissed before we went hand in hand back into the wedding. The reception was beautiful although very pink, Johnny said it looked a little like barbies dream house. I couldn't help but wonder what mine and Johnnys wedding would look like.

My attention was drawn to the bar where I heard someone mention my name. I listened carefully to hear what was being said.

"Emilys there , she has brown hair now" an unfamiliar voice said.

I craned my neck to see who was talking about me, it was a small red head. I couldn't see who she was looking at until he moved to in to my line of vision.

"Donnie " I said aloud.

"Where" Johnny asked as he gripped my hand tighter.

Before I could answer Johnny looked ahead , my ex husband was walking over to us angrily.  I could feel johnny get stiff beside me, he wasn't happy.

"Who's this bastard" Donnie spat.

"Excuse me" I hissed, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to talk to me.

"Get your fucking hands off my wife " Donnie screamed.

Before we had time to react Donnie ran into us knocking us flying, I managed to stand but johnnys small frame was stuck under donnies weight. 

Johnny wouldn't fight back , he just tried to push Donnie off him. Johnny was too polite to willingly cause a scene.

"Get off me, this is wills wedding day don't cause more of a scene than you already have" Johnny called as he tried to escape from under the large frame that was pinning him to the ground.  Johnny had too much respect for Will and his new wife to fight he just wanted to get free. A few of the guests were trying and failing to get Donnie under control.

"Donnie darling look at me" I said sweetly.

"Yeah kid" he replied as he lifted his head and looked at me. He actually smiles at me like I'm about to deliver good news.

Before his eyes could even focus on me I threw my fist at his jaw. My attack had taken Donnie by surprise , with just a small push from Johnny he fell back.  Johnny took in a large breath and got to his feet, he rubbed down his clothes and walked out of the room.

Donnie jumped to his feet and took my shoulders in his hands.

"Don't you touch me you horrible man" I spat as I jerked away.

"I'm sorry will I'm so sorry." I said to Will as I hugged him.

"It's not your fault" will said kindly, he was just as mad as I was.

"I've got to go , congratulations it was a beautiful wedding " I said as I turned to leave.

"Kid wait, I love you"

"Fuck off " I called behind me.

"I want you back " Donnie said as he gripped my shoulder once again.

For the first time in as long as I could remember I was happy now here Donnie like a bulldozer. My life was no longer simple.

The end

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