13 Push it

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Will was so happy when I told him of our plans for the day. He dressed In his basketball vest and jeans and even styled his hair. He was jumping around like a little school boy I guess I would be acting the same if it was one of my hero's I was spending the day with.

Donnie pulled up in front of our building just after midday, he was driving a black SUV.  That thing probably cost more than my apartment. I called shot gun so will climbed in the back. I was use to having some spare money now but not the type that Donnie had. I was a little uncomfortable with his wealth it made me feel inferior.

"So did you Google me last night" Donnie asked, there was a smirk on his pretty face.

"should I have" I asked. I was planning on keeping my research to myself, I don't want him thinking I was a weirdo.

Donnie laughed and continued to drive, he was so self assured. He had known right I had Googled his name when I woke up. I found that there had been no noteworthy scandals reported about him. I could only find hardly anything about his dating life, I had found that he had only been linked to a hand full of women. He didn't seem like a player at all. I had read that he was was brought up in a small house in Boston. He was an only child, his parents had been hard workers but had very little money. I had read that he had won a basket scholarship to college and had been playing professionally ever since.

"So are you starting school next term" Donnie asked.

"I got accepted in to UCLA, I start in a few weeks" I replied.

"good, so will who's your favourite player. Think very carefully" Donnie joked.

We all laughed when will refused to answer. I knew Donnie was high up there but will was a die hard Michael Jordan fan. He had told me that just because he didn't play anymore didn't mean he wasn't the best.

Donnie was greeted like a hero when we entered the staples arena. The staff all swooned over him and shook his hand. He took time to speak to everyone who approached him.

He showed us the gym then took us to the changing rooms. Will snapped photos of all the benches, Donnie happily posed for photos. I was happy that he was humouring my roommate.  I wasn't sure I would have had as much patience.

"are we going to the court now" will asked. His eyes were like space ships, he looked like a kid in a candy store. He obviously really was a super fan. He was tapping his foot with impatience and excitement. I had to smile.

I was amazed at how big the court really was, the seats surrounding it made me feel like I was under a microscope. I didn't know how Donnie could play here in front of so many spectators.  

"what you think" Donnie asked as he took my hand in his.

I was shocked by the simple gesture, he wasn't like the athletes I had heard of. He really seemed like a down to earth guy.

"it's amazing,  how do you not get nervous having everyone staring and screaming at you" I asked I really was awed by the sheer size.

Donnie explained that he would block the audience out, his only focus was the ball and his teammates.  he spoke about his job like it was the love of his life, he obviously enjoyed it. In a weird way I understood I did something similar in the club, I would block out all the customers. It was thought I was just dancing for myself and no one else was in the room.

"hello Mr Johnson" a female voice said as we walked by. The woman was cleaning the floor ,it looked clean enough to eat from.

"hi Rosie, call me Donnie please. How is your husband is he recovering well" Donnie asked as he rested his hand on her arm.

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