23 Its my party

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"surprise" the crowd shouted.

I jumped out of my skin, standing in the luxury room were all all my friends. The room was decorated in all white and black balloons, it was breath-taking. I saw my friends from back home and the tears started to fall. To the left of me I saw tammy and all the girls who I use to work with. There was also my old landlady Marie and her husband who I had become close to. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. Then I saw someone I hadn't seen in years my old friend Fiona was stood with Gina. I knew Donnie was considerate and generous but this was amazing even for him.

"surprised baby" Donnie whispered in my ear. I turned and rested my head on him, I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I love you" I declared as I finally regained the ability to speak.

The DJ started the music and the crowd dispersed, a waiter brought us a glass of champagne which I downed in one. I walked over to tammy and threw my arms around her, I hadn't seen her in months and she had been like a mother to me for over years.

"happy birthday sweetie, I'm so happy to see you" she said as she hugged me back.

"God I missed seeing you all" I replied. It was like reuniting with sisters I felt so blessed.

"I haven't missed seeing you, I see your face more now than I did when I worked with you. every tabloid I see there's you and your fella" Janet joked.

"don't believe a word they like to make things up" I replied. Janet smiled and rubbed the smudged make up from my face.

"I'm so proud of you, I've heard your studio is doing so well" Tammy said kindly. I hasn't realised how much I had missed her.

"don't hog her"  Heather chastised.

Donnie walked over to  us and kissed my neck,  I introduced him to everyone. All the women swooned,  it seems it wasn't just me who was affected by this gorgeous man.

Fiona walked over to us and I suddenly felt nervous, he hadn't spoken in 3 years. I was surprised that she acted like nothing had ever happened and our friendly banter was just like it had always been. We easily slid back into a familiar friendship.

"quite a man you have here, he flew us all out from new York on a private jet"  Fiona said. I couldn't believe he had gone to so much effort. He had even paid for them to stay overnight at a hotel by the airport.

"When did he arrange all this" I asked.

"his manager called me three months ago" she replied.

Three months ago we had only been dating just over a month. He had presumed we would still be together.

I walked to Donnie and kissed him passionately "bit presumptuous wasn't you"

"how do you mean" he whispered.

"you arranged this month's ago, we could have broken up by now"  I joked.

" were never breaking up, there was no way I would have ever let you go" he whispered.

Donnie signalled a passing waiter and took two glasses,  he handed them to the woman and man he had been talking to.

"mom,  dad this is my girlfriend Emily"  I looked at Donnie in shock, I had never met his parents this was a big deal.  I was more than a little nervous.

"Mr and Mrs Johnson I'm happy I could finally meet you,  thank you for coming" I was incredibly nervous but my voice didn't betray me.

"please call me Fred and this is my wife June, we're very happy to meet you. Donnie does nothing but talk about you." Fred said as he brushed his white hair behind his glasses.

"don't embarrass the boy Fred, happy birthday Emily. You look wonderful. I'm glad to see my boy looking so happy. I have you to thank for that" June said kindly. June looked like her son, they had the same big eyes and kind smile. Donnie was the perfect mirror image of her apart from his height,  that he obviously got from his dad.

" I'm sorry we weren't able to come visit earlier, June has been suffering from Ill health" Fred said.

"I'm all better now though so there's no need to worry" June said quickly as she nudged her husband. I had a feeling that he wasn't suppose to mention her being ill.

The four of us joked and laughed until the DJ announced that dinner was being served. Donnie and I sat on a table with his parents and Coleen and her husband. The food that was served was Devine, I could hear moans of appreciation filling the room. Donnie led me to the end of the room where a large cake shaped like a basketball sat I had to laugh,  Donnie had most definitely chosen this. Everyone laughed and asked if it had been brought to the wrong party.

I blew out my 19 candles as my guests sang the birthday song. The big grin on my face would not leave, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. Everyone I loved were in the same room I just wished my mum was alive , I always missed her more around special occasions.

Everyone was seated eating cake when Donnie climbed the stage and took the microphone.

"Emily come up here, come on kid dont be nervous"  he joked. I could feel my face redden,  I walked slowly and joined him on the stage.

He took my hand and kissed it before continuing "Emily's birthday isn't till tomorrow but I wanted to be selfish and have her all to myself. I want to thank everyone for coming, especially those who have had to travel. We really appreciate it, meeting you all has been wonderful. Seeing you has made Emily's night, she hasn't stopped smiling and it's all because of you. I just want everyone to raise their glasses and toast to Emily. She's the kindest, funniest most genuine women on the planet. Emily you make everything seem right. Happy birthday "

Everyone raised their glasses and called cheers. I was crying again, I dabbed my eyes. A loud gasp filled the room making me look up. Everyone was smiling up at us. I turned to Donnie, but he wasn't there.

"I know your use to looking up to see me, but this time I'm down here" he joked.
I looked down at him and was shocked to see him bent on one knee with a Cartier box in his hand.

"Emily Kilne you make me believe there is more to life than just basketball. I love you more than anything, I love you more than a free throw. Will you marry me"


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