15 Magic bus

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I had only slept for around 5 hours but I felt totally refreshed. I left Gina to sleep while I took a shower. The steaming hot water massaged my skin. I lingered under the water until it began to cool. I returned to my room where I was greeted by a sleepy Gina.

"hey what time is it" she asked, she was rubbing her eyes. Her eyes were small and squinted as she looked at her phone screen.

"9, do you have any plans for today"  I asked, I was planning to ask her to join me on the sight seeing bus. I didn't have to be home until 6. I would be preparing a meal for Donnie late on so I had all day free. If Gina was in fact as broke as she had said then she probably hadn't been sightseeing either.

"nothing why what you thinking" she was intrigued. Her bushy eyebrow rose in a mischievous way.

"I have 2 tickets for a tour bus and I thought you many enjoy it" I didn't in fact have any tickets I lied as I didn't want her thinking it was charity.

"really, that would be great" she squealed. I sent her to my closet to find some clothes. I dressed in a light floral dress and gladiator sandals. I applied light make up and styled my hair. We left my apartment around 10. Luckily will had taken his guest to his room so we didn't have to endure another awkward encounter.


The bus was nearly full with tourist, Gina and I looked a little out of place as we were not wearing the typical sun hat with a camera hanging from our necks.

The first stop was madame Tussauds where we posed with familiar celebrities. I snapped a photo of Gina squeezing the new presidents bottom, an old woman walked past and muttered in disgust. That did nothing to stop our laughter.

Next we got to see behind the scenes of a movie set,  it was incredible. I recognised it immediately.  It felt so odd to be standing on ground where some of our favourite actors had stood. We were having such a good time we laughed like we did when we were kids, it was as if we had never been apart. It felt great having my oldest friend back in my life. I just hoped nothing would ruin our friendship. It really meant so much to me.

The tour stopped at a fast food place and gave us an hour for lunch before we would be driving past celebrity homes. I bought us a burger and fries and we joked about what celebrities we may see. Gina was in love with Ellen DeGeneres so she was hoping her house would on the tour and by some miracle would leave the house so we could see her. We would have to be so lucky to see any real celebrities, but I had my fingers crossed.

We sat on the open top bus and drank our sodas,  the tour guide gave us all a map of the houses we would be visiting. Ellen's house was on it so Gina squealed happily. I scanned the paper searching for any familiar names.

"oh my God" I said loudly.

"who is it" she asked, she was scanning the page looking for who I might be talking about.

"erm nothing I was just surprised how many there was" I lied. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

3 houses before the end of the tour was someone I knew personally. It was Donnie Johnsons house. I had never been there house so it seemed a little weird going past his house like I was stalking him.

We marvelled in the splendour of the homes we were seeing, just from the outside it was clear to see the occupants lived in luxury. It was nothing like either of us had seen before.

We were two stops away from Donnies when I decided to text him. I wasn't sure it was the best idea but I did it anyway.

*wow Mr big shot your on the starlight tour route, who knew you were such a big deal *

He replied almost instantly

* I'm honoured, how do you know I'm on there*

I laughed and sent him a reply.

*Im on it only 2 stops away, Britney spears is next*

*INTERESTING* was his reply.

I put my phone away and continued to listen to the tour guide.

"and now we have the home of the basketball star Donnie Johnson, hes lived here for two years now. Oh this never happens, look out to the left side of the bus. We have been spotted by the owner himself." the tour guide said over the microphone. I heard my own gasp, I must have sounded like I was star struck.

Donnie was stood by the open gates of his property, he was wearing long shorts and trainers. His topless chest glistened in sweat. He had clearly just been working out. His chiselled chest looked like it belonged to some Greek god. I greedily took in the sight of him.

The bus stopped at the side of him. I felt myself sink into my seat, I was sure I would die of embarrassment.

"mr Johnson it's an honour, your my favourite player" the tour guide said gleefully.

"thank you" he replied as he scanned the bus. He walked until he could see me, he was so tall his face was level with mine.

"afternoon ladies, have you enjoyed your day" he asked. There was a flirtatious knowing tone in his voice.

"we have thank you" I flirted back, I'm sure I sounded less smooth than I had intended.

"So what's for dinner"  he asked. I looked around and saw that everyone's eyes were on me. I snook a glance at Gina and she looked shell shocked.

"I'm making stuffed chicken and potato gratin"  I answered I was so shy around this man, this was a rarity for me.

"no desert" he asked as he tucked a loose curl behind my ear. I could feel my knees go week at the feel of his skin against mine.

"I'm not much of a Baker" I couldn't recognise my own voice. I regained my confidence so I was sounding so sexy I was purring.

"I can bake" an old woman sat to my right said as she raised her arm cheekily.

The bus laughed but continued to direct their attention at us.  Donnie rewarded her with a big sexy smile that covered his face.

"the desert I like isn't baked, i have something more natural in mind. so are u getting off the bus em I can't stand here forever" he joked as he rubbed my cheek with his large hand.

"go with him sweetheart I Would"  the old woman shouted. I smiled sweetly at her.

"Donnie I'm with my friend"  I said gesturing to the stunned Gina . Gina hadn't closed her mouth since he had approached us.

"Emily she can come any friend of yours and all that" Donnie reasoned.

"go em, the tours nearly over and I start work in an hour" Gina was encouraging me to go with a man who for all she knew was a stranger to me. this was so weird.

I kissed her cheek and put $20 in her hand for a cab. I felt so insecure as I stood. I knew everyone's eyes were on me.

"can you open the doors please" Donnie shouted I think he was afraid that I would change my mind.

I walked down the aisle to the sound of the men whistling and the woman clapping.  The old woman said it was like something out of a romance book and it was it truly was. Donnie really knew how to cause a scene.

Donnie caught me before I could jump from the bus, he held me against his sweaty chest and kissed me like I had never been kissed before. My mother was wrong there were such things as Knights, Donnie was not a twat in tinfoil. I didn't notice the flashing of cell phone cameras I was too focused on his soft lips. In that moment there was only us and our lips.


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