Missed You

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 "Who is that?" Aaron asked, walking up to her.

Lucy had been decided to sit in on a press conference, and boy was she glad she had. Currently, she and Aaron were watching Seth carry on a dynamic conversation with an obviously new reporter.

"Alesia Callister. Yeah, I know. She looks more like she should be in the headlines rather than writing them." she said. Alesia had glowing light brown skin, curly shoulder-length hair, and looks that could kill.

Aaron didn't say anything, instead replying by raising his eyebrows. The two of them looked on as Seth said something which caused the girl to almost double over laughing.

"She likes him." Lucy blurted.

"And what makes you say that?" he asked.

"Oh, come on. It's obvious. Seth is funny, but he isn't that funny. Besides, I can read people like a book. I do it to you all the time." she said smirking.

"All the time, huh?"

"Yeah. I mainly find out people's intentions. Like you for example, well, actually, you'd be a pretty bad example. You don't have bad intentions. At all. You're just in love with Emily, which someone would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to miss that. Take Peter MacLeish, the first time I saw that guy on TV, I knew there was something wrong. He was up to something, I could see it in his eyes." she explained.

"And you do this to everyone?"

"Oh yeah. I mean literally everyone. That's how I could tell that Leo liked me, even though it was inevitable."

"You're very sure of yourself."

"How could he not? I'm a fucking delight."

"Wow," Aaron said, laughing.

"You know what? I'm going to go introduce myself," she told him, beginning to walk over there.

"Good luck." he called after her.

She approached Seth holding the reports that he had asked for almost ten minutes prior. Lucy had gone to get them, but by the time she got back, Seth and Alesia were already making heart eyes at each other, so she decided not to interrupt.

"I have what you asked for," she stated, handing him the file.

"Thanks," he replied. "Oh, this is my assistant, Lucy. Lucy, this is Alesia."
"Alesia Callister," she said, smiling and shaking her hand. "Of course, I know who you are. Yeah, I've heard all about you. A friend of mine at People is working on a piece about you."

"Oh," Lucy said, chuckling nervously.

It was pretty weird to have someone tell you that a major tabloid was writing a story on you. She mentally rolled her eyes at the mere thought of what rumors about her would be plastered on the front pages this time.

"You like her." Lucy teased once they were back in his office.

"Never gonna happen." he stated.

"Oh, come on," she joking groaned. "Why not?"

"One, did you see her? Way out of my league. Two, she's press."

"That didn't stop you with Lisa."

Seth stopped dead in his track and shot her a look that said, "Seriously?".

"And do you know how well that turned out?"

For Emily, the flight home from Israel had turned out to be the longest 15 hours of her life. With all of the physical, emotional, and mental stress she'd been under, accompanied by only 28 hours of sleep in the past week, she thought it would be easy to tap out on the plane for the entire ride. No such luck. The anticipation of seeing her boyfriend and sister for the first time in a week had her brain wired, and made the time seem longer and more unbearable.

All of that anticipation didn't help as she struggled to remain professional seeing Aaron when she stepped off the plane. It took every single ounce of strength in her body not to run to him. Instead, she calmly walked with Rebekah to meet the President, Director Howell, Secretary Thomas, and Aaron, who had been there to greet them.

"Secretary Levi, Emily, it's so good to see you again. I believe we have a lot to discuss." the President said.

"Yes, sir,"

"Well then, let's not waste any time."

"I'll be just a moment," Emily told Rebekah as she and the others began to walk away, with the exception of Aaron.

"Of course."

As soon as everyone else was out of earshot, she stepped towards him.

"Hey," she smiled before he grabbed her and kissed her.

His arms were wrapped so tightly around her that it was almost as if he thought he'd lose her if he let go. His lips on hers were a feeling that she'd missed more than almost anything else.

"So, I take it you missed me." she said when they both pulled away.

"You have no idea." he sighed.

Aaron studied her face intently with a look of anxiety in his eyes.

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm here and I'm alright. You don't need to worry anymore."

He didn't say anything at first, instead pulling her into a hug.

"You really have no idea how much I missed you." he muttered.

"Come on, we should probably catch up with the others," Emily suggested, after finally being released from his arms.

"So, how did Lucy hold up?" she asked as they walked back.

"I kept an eye on her, just to make sure she'd stay out of trouble. She wanted to come, you know, but Secret Service wouldn't let her."

"Thank you. No matter how independent she may seem, she's an emotional trainwreck when left alone."

"Well, that makes two of us." he chuckled.


"Did I mention that I missed you?" he said, opening the car door for her.

While Aaron had maintained a professional appearance when seeing her, Lucy did the exact opposite. She had been waiting inside the White House, right by the entrance, ready to practically tackle her the second she stepped through the doors. Lucy almost jumped on her, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug that knocked the wind out of her.

"Look, Aaron, I think you have a competitor in the worry department." she managed to say, despite being unable to breathe.

"No kidding," Lucy said, loosening her grip on Emily. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." she said, wrapping her arms around her sister.

"I still think Aaron has me beat, though." she joked, earning a friendly glare from him.

It felt good to be back. 

A/N: Okay guys, so, I spell checked the fucking writers on Twitter and THEY ACTUALLY RESPONDED! They were trying to say 'culminate' but instead wrote 'fulminate' and  I replied to the tweet with:

"Fulminate means protest????"

and they respond with:

"Whoops! See what happens when you type "f" instead of "c"... this is why we have script coordinators to check our work." 

AND I SCREAMED. I SPELLCHECKED THE WRITERS OF MY FAVORITE SHOW! Then Sang Kyu Kim, one of the producers, LIKED SIX OF MY TWEETS. Yesterday was just so, ugh. It was the highlight of my week. Love you guys! Leave me a comment down below telling me what you think so far!

-xoxo Harley Quinn

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