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"Wake up Millie you're gonna miss the bus and I'm not driving you."

I woke up with my phone vibrating like crazy and I wasn't sure why. I couldn't even see who the message was from. As I grabbed my glasses from my dresser, I could finally read who the text was from.


Charlie was my older brother. Like much older than me. I guess I didn't realize it was Monday and I overslept, again.

I jumped out of my bed and raced to my closet to grab an outfit and a pair of shoes. I decided boots would go best with the outfit I picked out: a pair of legging with a sweater.

I speedwalked downstairs to see that nobody was there. Did Charlie leave without saying goodbye to me? My mom was at work already so it didn't really matter but Charlie? He must be pissed that I woke up so late. Oh well.

I quickly grabbed some raspberries out of the refriderador and ran out of the door. I checked my phone to see what time it was, hoping that I hadn't already missed this bus. It was 7:30, way past the time I was supposed to be at the bus stop. Now, I have to walk five miles to my school, even better, in the rain that just started coming down. Great, I thought to myself.

Just fucking great.

On my 'walk' to school I was realizing how I hadn't been upset lately. For some reason I had been happy with myself. But today will determine how "happy" I'll still be.

Usually Maddie and Sadie like to mess with me and take my books and "accidently" drop them all over the hallway. The school lockers don't really have much security on them, so sometimes they'll go in and take my books and hide them on me.

I just don't understand what I did to them to make them hate me so much. If Finn isn't at school than I'm screwed because he actually stands up for me, when I can't do that myself.

"Where are you?"

I received a message from Finn while I was in my thoughts. I checked the time and it was almost eight, when my first class was going to start.

"I'm almost there- had to walk."

I shut off my phone as I finally approached the huge gray and white building. It was already past eight, and I was already late for my class.

I opened the door to find myself in front of the school administrator who asked why I was late, so I explained everything, truthfully. She gave me a pass and I started to walk towards my locker. I had my first period class with Finn, luckily. But I also had it with those two little assholes, too.

I grabbed my books for my English-Language-Arts class and started walking to my classroom. The door was locked so I knocked on it, and I started to see someone from the back come closer to the door.


She opened the door and I began to walk in, hoping not to make contact with her when she decided to place her foot in front of me, tripping me I front of the whole class.

"Oops, I am so sorry Millie, here let me help you with those books,"

I was not going to give her my books after the way I was just humiliated in front of my whole classroom.

"I said let me help you with those books," she said ask she grabbed them out of my hands and started walking towards my desk with them. Surprisingly, she actually put them on my desk.


My books landed on the floor with all of my papers from my binders also scattering. I just wanted to cry. No, more than that. I wanted to die. And to make matters worse, Finn was no where in sight. He must've decided not to show up today since he heard I was going to be late, or he just simply left.

I was humiliated. I couldn't even bare to be in that room with her anymore. I got up and ran to the bathroom. The teacher must've sent Maddie to the office because I heard her ranting to herself in the hallway.

When I got in the bathroom, my eyes were flooded with tears, I just did not want to walk back into that classroom or even better, walk back into those hallways. I felt humiliated and I was shaking on the bathroom floor. There was a window, and I decided maybe it was best just to leave. Without even thinking, I started to open it.

I was outside now and I was just about to ditch when even more trouble was heading my way.

If I didn't it clear before, I'll make it clear now. Sadie Sink, she was my best friend for six whole years, until I wouldn't let her copy my homework and she got all pissed off and made my life a living nightmare.

Well, there she was, right in front of me. It was shocking that Maddie was nowhere in sight. Maybe, just maybe she got sent home.


I heard her speaking softly, like she wasn't about to punch me in the face.

"I-I'm sorry."

What the hell?

I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything. Why was she apologizing? Why would she be here by herself?

"I made a mistake and I'm sorry."

"For what?" I finally asked.

"For leaving you for her."


For leaving you for her.

The only five words that keep replaying in my head. It doesn't add up. If she was sorry than she wouldn't have hurt me like she did. She wouldn't had make me feel worthless, like I meant nothing in this world.

It was nighttime now, and my mom was downstairs cooking dinner. I took out my diary from under my bed and began to write.

Dear diary;

This shit is crazy.


I couldn't write anymore than that. My mind was flooded with thoughts. I just don't even know how to take all of it.

Maybe Sadie really was sorry. No, Millie you're crazy if you ever thought that. I grabbed my phone and called Finn, just to tell him what has happened today.

But if there's one thing I know; it's that friends know another and I defiently knew Sadie and she, was not lying.

She was telling the truth.

At least that's what I believed.

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