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I woke up and felt like shit. No, I wasn't sick but I just didn't feel good. Today Finn would return homek and I was praying things would go back to normal, but we all knew that wasn't going to happen. I knew he would talk to me about this and I would be upset again but it's nothing new.


Around noon I received a text from a familiar number. It was Finn.

"I'm home."

I was happy he got home safely. I grabbed my bag and began to walk to his house.

I knocked on the door and surprisingly Finn's mother, Karen, opened it. She led me inside and upstairs to find Finn in his room, drawing a picture.

"That's really cool," I complimented him.

"Oh hey Millie,"

"Hey," I said with a warm smile.

"What are you drawing?" I asked, curiosity taking over.

"It's supposed to be a picture of two people in love. The girl is suffering through a mental illness, and the boy is trying to help her through this. In the end both of them survive, and live happily ever after."

"That's deep."

But I couldn't help but wonder who the picture was referring to.

Finn and I went downstairs to find a note sitting on the kitchen table.

"Going out, be back later -K"

Karen went out so it was just Finn and me.


Both my mom and Finn's mom agreed on me being able to stay the night at Finn's. I mean after all, we were best friends.

We decided we would sleep in his basement. I argued that I could sleep on the floor, and Finn could stay on the couch but he argued that it should be the other way around, so that's how it went.

We went to 'sleep' around 1:30 a.m.

That was until I heard something.

Somebody crying.

I looked down to find Finn no longer on the floor. I saw a light on in the bathroom so I quietly made my way over to there.

"Finn?" I asked gently.

I slightly opened the door to see a very emotional boy, crying, even more than he was the night he almost took his life.

"Finn what's going on with you? Why are you suddenly so sad all the time?"

I'm so used to me being the upset and sad one, but seeing Finn like this broke my heart even more.


My heart started to race because I knew he was about to tell me something I knew neither of us were ready for.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm inlove with you,"

My heart is racing even faster.

"I just wanted to take the pain away from you. I can't see you like this."

And now my heart cracked.

I know how I feel about Finn. I know that I like him a lot. But to admit that I was inlove with him was another story. I wanted to tell him how I felt but god, it was so hard.

If he was able to, especially in his current situation right now, than I could too.

"And I'm inlove with you too Finn."

I said it. The sentence I thought I would never be able to admit.

His crying stopped and his cheeks went red.


He paused. But then continued.

"I don't know if this is the right time, or the right place to see it but, we've been best friends for a long time so-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked and stunned at this. I wasn't- at least I thought I wasn't ready for a boyfriend but maybe, just maybe I was.

"Of course,"

He was blushing.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


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