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We both must've fallen asleep shortly after.

I woke up and looked down at Finn. He was still sleeping. And looked so goddamn cute.

I looked like some sort of stalker because I was just staring at him, admiring his perfect face and his amazing cheekbones.

Then I noticed he was waking up. I quickly turned the other way hoping that he wouldn't notice I had been staring at him for the past twenty minutes.



"I know you're awake."

Frickity frack.


We both got up and I went to the bathroom to get changed into a different shirt. I felt happy. The happiest I've been in a long time. I know that Finn is the right person for me. I just hoped he wouldn't leave me for another girl.

I heard my phone start to go off, and it turned out it was my mom.

"Hey mom," I said into the phone.

"Hey Millie, how are you doing?"

"Good mom."

"You two weren't doing anything bad right?"

"Oh god mom."

"I'm just joking. Be home for dinner."

I hung up the phone and I noticed my face was a nice shade of red. Thanks mom.

On the bright side, I was happy I would be spending the day with Finn.


Finn and I were sitting at his kitchen table drinking tea. (what am i doing with my life.)



"You look beautiful."

Shit my heart is pounding out of my chest.

"Thank you Finn."

I'm gonna die.


The day passed by and we didn't really do anything other than watch a couple of movies and drink hot chocolate. It was wintertime so it only made sense for hot cocoa.

Finn's parents went out for a bit and we were home alone. Thankfully, his mother trusted us enough to stay home alone.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Finn asked me.

"Sure," I responded smiling. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe we could surprise my mom and clean my room a little."

"Oh Finn, you want me to help clean your room?"

"Only if you want."

"Of course!"


Finn's p.ov.

She was so pretty. I can't even stop looking at her. I don't want her to notice, but I do at the same time. I wish she knew how beautiful she really is. She's a masterpiece and I don't know how the world came up with her, but I'm glad it did.

We were cleaning my room up and I heard Millie ask me a question. I couldn't hear her over the music I had been playing, which was a problem.


"What is this?" She asked, holding up something I knew I should have hid.

My journal.

Don't worry it doesn't have a lot of anything in it. I've had that journal for one year- 365 days. But every page I filled out had her name on it. Ever since I started to like Millie I wrote down how I felt about her everyday. I knew I should have hid it, but my dumbass self forgot.

"Oh it's nothing," I said while walking towards her to grab it out of her hands.



"I love you."

I could kiss her right now.

We walked over to my bed and just sat there for a few minutes. I hadn't even noticed that I had been staring at her.

That was until she looked over at me.

"See something you like?" She asked, smirking.

"You know I do," I replied.

All of a sudden we were inching closer to eachother, filling the space between us. We were so close that I could practically feel her breathing on me. I closed my eyes and she closed hers, and our lips touched.

At first, it was a gentle kiss, nothing too major. And then her arms were wrapped around my neck and my hands were at her waist.

"You're so beautiful," I whisper.

"I'm inlove with everything you hate about yourself."

We both pulled away, and I noticed that her face was as red as a tomato.

Did I do this?

The next thing I know, she was grabbing her bag.

"Where are you going?"

"It's past five Finn! I have to go home before I get in trouble."

"Oh, okay."

I was sad she had to leave.

"Hey, I love you."

"I love you too."


Millie's p.o.v.

My dumbass self had forgotten what time it was.

I got home at 5:05, five minutes late. I wasn't even hungry at all, I just felt like I was gonna be in so much trouble.

I walked inside and saw my family eating without me.

"Where were you?" My mom had asked.

"Sorry I'm late, Finn and I were finishing a movie," I lied.

"And I'm not really hungry. I'm kind of tired."

"Okay, well if you want anything to eat just know it's here."

"Thank you."

I walked upstairs and grabbed my diary from underneath my bed.

Dear diary;

Today was amazing. I learned a lot today, including that Finn is a great kisser.



I was so tired from my lack of sleep the past two nights so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

And then I remembered tomorrow was Monday.


Oh schnapple, this took so much to write and I'm not pleased with this at all. R.i.p. also, I know I did not make it very clear in the beginning of this book but Finn and Millie are sixteen in this book. And in case you didn't realize, I'm not very great at writing kissing scenes. Don't kill me, lol

Special s/o to graysnk for encouraging me to write this chapter, thanks man

Oh and I barely change p.o.v so this was different

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