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-Time skip-

Two weeks have gone by. Two weeks since I swore that we would get through this together. Finn went on a mini vacation with his parents to Toronto, Canada and I was at home by myself. Not literally, but it felt like a part of me was missing. I missed Finn.

I missed the old memories we shared and I miss the pointless conversations. I miss when everything was okay and I could actually not have to fake my happiness.


My phone rang and I walked towards it and noticed that the caller was Finn. "Hello?" I said as I answered. "Millie! I'm coming home early!" Finn said. After he had said that, I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Something that did not exist in my vocabulary anymore. Happiness.

Maybe I felt happiness because I heard his voice, or maybe I felt it because I knew he was coming back. Something was changing; something was becoming more focused. My happiness was gone for months, and to be honest I almost had forgotten what it felt like. But now, all of those feelings are coming back.

I'm becoming the Millie Bobby Brown that was happy again. The person who I was is slowly fading. Maybe this time it'll stay.


a/n- okay so if this chapter makes no sense what-so-ever don't worry, i I started writing this like a week ago so i don't know where i was trying to get with this.

i'm losing a lot of interest in this book since i'm writing my other book (foah) so if you guys want you can check it out but you don't have to.

okay I'm done being irrelevant love u all


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