1. Broken

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"Bridget ! Get your ass up ! You don't wanna be late for your first day of school!" I bang on her door, I was not gonna be late It was the first day of my senior year and I couldn't be late. "Fuck off" Bridget was never a morning person so I was gonna let that comment slide. "If I come back here and you're not ready.. I'm getting the bucket!" The bucket had been apart of lives since we were little, kind of a really bad childhood memory . If we refused to do something we'd get the bucket. "You wouldn't ." She glares at me and I roll my eyes, of course I would that's why I said it.

"Try me bitch!" I run down the hall and fill the bucket up a little with water. I take a glance at the clock , we had 15 minutes to leave if we wanted to be on time. I groan and run back to Bridget's room. I crack the door open to see a sleeping Bridget. I shook my head, She just doesn't listen. I walk over to her and dump the water on her.

"BROOKLYN WHAT THE FUCK!" She shrinks as she shot up sending me a glare, take notes kids, don't piss your big sister off. "I warned you!" I send her a sweet smile and she flips me off, and I blow her a kiss. "Ugh you're so dead when we get home." She frowns and I roll my eyes once again, as if I care, she's probably forget about it after school.

"That's if you make it home" I stick my tongue out at her like a five year old and run downstairs to Greet my aunt Ann and my Uncle John. "Goodmorning sweetie , did you sleep ok? How are you feeling" Aunt Ann says hugging me. "I'm doing ok, didn't really get a good sleep though but I'll be fine." I sigh. "Just hang in there kiddo, you're almost done with highschool." Uncle John reassures me. I give him a light smile .

"Goodmorning Uncle John and Aunt Annabeth" Bridget walks in wearing a crop top , a pair of jeans and her favorite beanie I got her when she was 12, yes I do remember that. I have a great memory. "Goodmorning kiddo. " uncle John says, finally looking up from his newspaper. "Well we better head off before we're late" I grab my keys and kiss my aunt ann and uncle john on the cheek. "Bye! Have good day! Don't get into too much trouble" she calls, Bridget and I laugh as we walk and get into my range rover . I was literally obsessed with this car, I love this more than anything, well besides family of course.

"So are you excited for your first year in high school." I laugh pulling back into the street. "Oh please like you were excited to be in school period." She rolls her eyes, she's gotta point there. "But there'll be hot guys" I wink, that's always the best part of school isn't it. "Who even knows , maybe you'll get a boyfriend" She laughs, this was the type of relationship we had. Bridget and I have always been close, Sure we've had our share of ups and downs, We're like any other sisters.But we've been through hell and back together and our relationship was amazing.

"Hopefully I'm not as lucky as you and Alex." She laughs but then I can tell she was getting serious. "Promise you'll actually try and make some friends other than Alex and Isabella, I'm not asking you to be popular but I want you to have someone others than just us." Little did she know Alex wasn't as perfect as she thought. "Bridget , it's not easy when all you've ever had were 'friends' who let you down, all you need is a few friends."I sigh, I had enough people in my life right now, I wasn't looking for more to join my life. "But I'll try, since I can't be a pain in your ass all the time" I say giving her a light smile to ease the mood. She chuckles as I pull into our schools parking lot. I find a parking space and head into school.

"Have a good day, love you" I give my sister a hug . "You too, love you too" She blows me a kiss and walks to her first class.

"Goodmorning baby." Alex whispers in my ear . This is Alex, he was my abusive boyfriend ever since I moved here three years ago. I know what you're thinking. Why am I still with him? Well because I'm too afraid to leave him. Ya know I thought I was done with this shit, I moved away from my parents to get away from things like that. But I come here to start over , but it starts the same.

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