14. Dont Go

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I lie in my bed bouncing my little basketball up and down. The images last week of Brooklyn flashes through my head. She promised she'd never do it again. Why would she break the promise? What's so big that she doesn't trust me on? I just want her to know that I'm here for her and she can trust me.

Something's definitely up though and I know it. I'm going to get it out of her. I just want her to trust me , why won't she trust me?

I almost forgot I had Jazzy asked Bridget what was up. "Hey Bieber." She says plopping on my bed. "So I have the information you wanted." Jazzy bit her lip as if weather or not she wanted to tell me or not. "Jazzy we have a deal don't go back on it." I sigh and she nods. "I just don't know if I should tell you or let Brooklyn tell you. This is big and it will effect her life big time." Jazzy gulps and I raise an eyebrow. Now sitting up on the bed I nod. "Jazzy please." I plead and she shakes her head. "Here's the money back. I can't tell you." She looks as if she was gonna cry. I sigh and nod.

"Alright jazzy, I got it." I take the money back and grab my jacket. "Where are you going?" She questions. "I'm going to find answers, I'll be back." I grab my keys and head towards the door. "Excuse me where are you going, have you forgotten you're still in punishment or? " my uncle scolds waking in the front door. "Look Uncle Scooter , there's something I have to do now. I promise I'll be back by 9" I say and head out the door.

Once I got to Brooklyn's house , I herd screaming and shouting. One voice I could definitely tell was Brooklyn, the other I wasn't sure who it was. I sigh and knock on the door.

"What do you want?" The man swing up the door and he stunk of alcohol "I'm looking for Brooklyn" I say and he laughs. "She's not available right now." He smiles creepily. Which told me there's something that's not right. Was he the reason why Brooke was harming her self and coming to school with Bruises? "Who are you?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I don't have to answer to you." He humorlessly chuckles. "You're a nobody." He scoffs. "I want to see Brooklyn." I repeat again. "She's unavailable." He spat and I roll my eyes. I wasn't buying this bullshit something was up. "Says who?" I scoff. "Her father." He harshly says. "And that's you?" I asks and he nods. "Beat it kid. I don't wanna have to tell you twice." He glares and I nod my head.

I grab my cell phone and dial the police. It all made sense. Her father was back. That's what she was terrified of telling me. "Hello? My friend is getting abused by her father and I'm sure she's hurt pretty badly can you send some help please?" I beg. "Alright sir I'll pick up your location and have an ambulance and the police headed your way." The operator says and hangs up.

I can't believe it's been like this the whole time and I didn't know. She's been hurting for a week, she hasn't told me anything. This just breaks my heart. I want her to be able to trust me.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I herd the sound of sirens and police rushing out. They push me out the way and bang on the door. "Open up!" The head police bangs on the door, I follow by them as they open up the door. "sir you're under arrest for the abuse of a minor " I search my eyes and I see Brooklyn laying on the floor. I run over to her.

"Brooke?" I gently pick her up. "Justin?" Her voice was barely a whisper. "I'm right here baby girl." I coo straightening a piece of her light brown hair out of her face. "I want to leave." She mumbles, at first I didn't understand what she was saying. "Ok we'll get you out." I gently say and she shakes her head. "No , I don't wanna be ..." Her voice drifts off and I noticed she was loosing a lot of blood. I gently set her head down and go to find help.

"Help! The girls laying on the floor and she's loosing blood quick someone help me!" I scream trying to the attention.

"Brooklyn you're gonna be ok! I promise!" I whisper in her ear. "Don't go" I felt a tear slip down my face.

Don't Go Brooklyn.


Awwwww poor Brooklyn .

You guys if you know anyone getting abused you need to tell someone. Please stop violence it's not cool 🙏

Enough lecture 😂

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-Avia 💋

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