"What are you doing to your hair?" Isabella asks flipping through the magazine of hairstyles. "Uh I want big loose curls." I say firmly, and Isabella nods her head. "I think I'm gonna go with the whole tight ponytail with tight curls dangling from it." She finalizes and I approve. "Soo, what's the plan after graduation, are you going to LA with Justin?" She asks and I shake my head. "I'm hoping to get signed and then I'll work on music but he's going on tour and I can't go with him, I want to be somebody, not just known as his girlfriend, besides its best if we spent some time apart especially for his career and mine." I hated talking about Justin's and I separation, it's hard to think about the fact that I may never see or be with the love of my life again.
But there's always that possibly he'll come back.
"Alright, enough of that, tonight we're gonna have the best night of our lives and not worry about the troubles that tomorrow or the next day brings." Isabella smiles and grabs my hand. "this is why you're my bestfriend." I smile at her. "Yeah, Yeah, I know." Isabella smiles and I roll my eyes, oh how humble she is.
"Brooklyn! Come put your dress on! The boys will be here soon." Isabella calls and I groan, everything was spinning right now, I was trying to look good for Justin and I's 'night'. I couldn't be looking like a gorilla now could I? "Ok, just a sec!" I call from the bathroom. I pull the scrunch out from my hair, let all the nice curls fall down my back.
Grabbing my purple dress from the hang, I wiggle my body into it and make sure it's fully on before grabbing my heels and my purse. "Alright I'm ready." I walk, well more like wobble, towards Bella. "You look stunning." Isabella smiles. "You as well my dear, I can't believe this is our last highschool event, it seems so unreal." I had to wipe the tear that was threatening to fall any second. "Aye save that shit for graduation! Tonight's all about us having the best time of our lives, we've dreamed about this since we were 11, come on, let's go." She smiles and grabs my hand.
"Best Friend's Forever?" I smirk and she smirks at me back. "Always baby, couldn't get rid of me if you tried." She says snapping her fingers in a Z formation. "Alright let's get this over with." I sigh and walk out my room and slowly descend down my stairs. All eyes were on me and Isabella, but I was only looking for a specific two eyes, and there he was standing in his all white suite and I smile, Justin was always the one to stand out.
"Couldn't go with just a black suite huh? Had to be all white." I smirk walking towards him. "You know it." He smirks and then pulls something out from behind his back. It was a black box and a rose. "Baby, you didn't have to get me anything." I pout, especially since I didn't have anything for him. "Shh, just open it." He smiles and I open the box and it was a diamond covered J and had a matching bracelet but the bracelet said 'J&B, F&A', Justin and Brooklyn, Forever and always, this was so sweet, I couldn't help but smile at it, this was so beautiful. "Thank you baby, I love it." I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses my cheek.
"Alright, Picture time!" My mom calls from behind us making both Justin and I groan. "Oh hush, suck it up its only for a few minutes." More like a few hours, picture taking is exhausting, you stood there and smiled while dozens of people took a gizillion pictures of you. "Oh no you don't!" I pull Isabella's arm who was trying to escape picture taking. "If I have to take pictures so do you." I glare and Isabella rolls her eyes. "Whatever let's get this on the road cause I don't want to be late, Or do I? I kinda do, because then we can do a badass entrance and be all 'All Hale Queen Bella and Brooklyn." I roll my eyes at my crazy bestfriend. She seriously had the craziest scenarios going on in her head.
"Let's go." I laugh as I pull her arm towards where our parents stood with their cameras ready to snap pictures. "Hold it, just me and Bella, right now." Isabella and I push our boyfriends to the side and we take our pictures. "Best Friends Forever and Always." She smiles and hugs me. "Alright now you guys can take some pictures too." Isabella dramatically says and I just laugh and walk over to my boyfriend.

Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...