Christmas Eve
"Come on Justin, I'm not fighting you on this." I roll my eyes, Justin had just got home about two weeks ago, and it was a pain in my ass to have to get him to take his medicine everyday. He was recovering well from the accident, and from what the doctor said Justin should be back in school next semester.
"You know we never did start that bet" Justin smirks and I laugh. "I can walk a little, so let's do it today. Plus the mall is crowded so they'll definitely be some guys and girls there and we'll definitely see who wins." Justin smirks and I couldn't help but laugh at him again, he really was determined to win this bet. "Alright Bieber you're on." I raise an eyebrow with a slight smirk. "Let's go Santiago."
*at the mall*
"Alright let the bet begin." Justin winks and I smirk back at him as I watch Justin disappear into the crowd. I was kind of using this as an opportunity to buy his Christmas present while he was a focused on winning the bet. Since the accident I hadn't had time to get Christmas gifts so I was gonna have everything order to my house on Christmas morning. Of course I'd get numbers on the way to buy all my Christmas presents, I was gonna win this bet, to make Justin my slave for a week? Who would past that up? Definitely not me.
Unlocking my iPhone, I scroll to the note section to see what I needed to get. "Alright, all the adults are taken care off, next I have Jazzy, Bridget, Jaxon, and Justin to get. Alright I can do this." I say to myself, this should be easy. I mean they're teenagers they don't really want a lot, no that's the problem, it makes it harder.
"Woah there." A voice says, I mentally face palm myself for not paying attention, stupid me! "Are you ok?" I look up to see this boy, who I swear I know but I couldn't put my finger on it. "do I know you from somewhere?" I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs. "I think so, you look familiar." I couldn't lie though, this boy was hella attractive. "I'm Jacob, most people call me Jake for short ." Jake ? Why does that name ring a bell?
"I'm Brooklyn, it's nice to meet you." Wait here's my chance to score some numbers. Pretty sure Justin has gotten a lot of numbers already. "Santiago?" He asks and I nod and then it hit me! "Martinez?" I give him a hug, Jakd was my first boyfriend back when I lived in Miami. We were so young we didn't actually know what the terms 'Boyfriend' and 'Girlfriend' meant. It was more of a 'hi I like you' 'hi I like you too be my girlfriend' type of thing.
"Wow ,what brings you down here?" I ask. "Well my dad and grandparents live up here so I'm visiting for the holidays." He shrugs and I nod. "that's nice, how about we exchange numbers just to keep in touch?" I ask and he nods. He pulls out his phone and hands it to me and give him mines.
"It was great seeing you!" I give him a hug one last time before walking off. "Who was that?" I jump and turn to look at my boyfriend who was raising his eyebrow at me. "He's just an old friend nothing more nothing less." I shrug and Justin scoffs. "You expect me to believe that?" I roll my eyes at him, Jake wasn't a threat. He literally is the sweetest boy ever. "He was someone I knew when I lived down in Miami." I wave him off and Justin nods
"So what is he doing up here?" He raises an eyebrow once again., this kid asks too many questions. "He's visiting family for the holidays is that ok with you mr?" I asks and he shakes his head. "I'm not having fun with this bet anymore." Justin pouts and I laugh, oh jealous Justin. "Ok I have a new bet, we can't have sex for two weeks, and who ever caves in first, well they get to be the other persons bitch for two weeks, fair?" I asks and Justin smirks.
"Oh Ms.Santiago you're so on." I just laugh at him, Justin pulls my waist in and kisses me, before he could deepen the kiss I pull back, leaving him breathless. "And that Mr. Bieber is just the beginning off it." I wink at him and start heading off in the other direction.
Back at home
"Brooklyn you sure you have to go home" Justin whines and I just laugh. "Justin I'll be back in the morning" I struggle to get out his grip, but he only tightens it. "What's the point of leaving if you're just gonna come back?" Justin scoffs, I giggle and once again try to remove myself from his arms but fail miserably. "Brooklyn just stay already. Bridget's coming over and I'm sure she'd be able to bring you some clothes." Jazzy comes into the living room. The Bieber were very persistent with what they wanted.
"Ugh I guess." I dramatically sigh making Justin laugh as he releases his grip on me. "Well you didn't really have a choice, I texted Bridget an hour ago that you were staying." Jazzy smirks as she plops next to Justin and I. "You guys set me up!" I cross my arms over my chest making Jazzy and Justin laugh.
"Yeah, I mean our parents are out for the night and won't be back until the morning, so Justin and I decided to have a date night. Jaxon and Bridget, Me and Daniel, And you and Justin." She shrugs and I nod my head. "Still you could've asked me, instead of holding me against my will." I say and Justin rolls his eyes. "You make it seem as if it's a bad thing to spend time with your boyfriend." He scoffs, I laugh at me, I was only teasing him.
"I know , I love spending time you." I kiss his lips and he smiles. "You're smile is so perfect, it's as if you were carved and placed on earth by God himself." I say running my fingers along his jaw, which was also too perfect. Seriously this boy had to be carved by God himself. It was impossible to look this perfect. "I could say the same thing about you." He kisses my forehead. "Ew! Get a room!" Jazzy makes a fake gag at her and Justin sticks out his tongue.
"Oh please Jazzy, cut that, we all know once Daniel gets here, you'll be worse than Justin and Brooklyn." Jaxon says coming downstairs. "Shut up." Jazzy scolds him and he just raises his hands in defense. "Don't you have a girlfriend to attend too" jazzy rolls her eyes, I sneak a laugh. The Bieber's fights were always entertaining to me. "She's not here genius." Jaxon sticks his tongue out at Jazzy who just flicks him off.
"And I think that's her!" Jaxon races to the door. "They're so cute!" I awe and Justin rolls his eyes. "He's such a softie for her it's sickening." I roll my eyes at Justin. "Oh please Justin, you're a softie for me too." I smirk and he scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Whatever." I smirk in accomplishment.
Jaxon comes in holding Bridget's hand, and I send Bridget a wink who just flicks me off. You see how rude my sister is? "Here's you bag." Brooklyn tosses me a bag. "Thanks lil sis you're the best" I smile at her and she just waves me off.
"Alright well Daniel should be here soon and we can get this night started." Jazzy says. "Aw someone's a little miserable without her boyfriend here." Justin teases, I knew Justin was warming up to the idea of his little sister having a boyfriend but he still had his overprotective brother side. "Oh that's him right now!" Jazzy jumps up from the couch. "That's so cute!" I awe at Jazzy and Justin rolls his eyes.
"You know I would have never though that this is what my Christmas would be like last year." He shrugs. "I never expected to have the most beautiful girl in my arms laying right next to me." He smirks and I burry my face in his chest, he's such a kiss up, but it's my fault for falling for it all the time. "Be my date this Christmas eve, Be my holiday, my dream, lay your head on me,I got you baby, Kissing underneath the tree, I don't need no presents girl, you're everything I need, Let me give you all of me, here Together on this Christmas Eve" he quietly sings in my ear.
"I love you." I whisper on his lips. "And I love you so much more." He smiles back at me. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my Christmas than to be sitting here with the ones I love.
Merry Christmas Eve.
Idk is it just me or does Christmas not feel the same way? It just feels like I'm on a break and not for Christmas lol.
There's no snow here bummer. All it does is rain 😑
But merry Christmas Eve guys! Look forward to a chapter tomorrow!
Love you guys and I hope you have an amazing day!
-Avia 👑
Twitter : justinsprxblem
Instagram : justinsharmony

Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...