17. Guardian Angel

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I wake up to see my beautiful boyfriends face. My boyfriend. That sounded so weird. I couldn't believe it. Justin was like the hottest boy in the school, shh don't tell him that he's ego is already bigger than Kanye's.

It's unreal that I have someone like Justin. He literally has no flaws. He was sweet, kind, good lucking , and more. It's so unreal that a girl like me, got a boy like Justin. "Hey what are you think about" Justin rasps and let me tell you, he's morning voice cause a flood down in my panties. Justin cannot be this attractive.

"Nothing ... Just thinking.. But what's the move today?" I twirl my fingers on his chest as he inhales and exhales. "Well we could stay at my house and chill, or we could go to your place, or we could do something. I was thinking maybe a arcade." He smiles and kisses my head. "I like going to arcade. Maybe Isabella and Ryan could come! So like a double date!" I sit up and Justin nods.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll text Ryan to see if it's cool. " Justin smiles. "But we have to stop at my house, I love wearing your clothes, But I would like to wear my own though. I'm still keeping these." I say motioning to his sweats and he laughs. "Whatever you want princess, but let me get dressed." He pulls out some clothes and walks into his bathroom to change.

I get up from the bed and try to tame my hair. Since I'm part Latino, my hair never stays complete straight. My baby hairs are always the death of me. I sigh and rearrange my hair to where it was all in a nice messy bun. I smile to myself. Everyday I was become a different person, and I loved it. I felt more comfortable and I feel beautiful. My life was changing and it was changing for the better, I never wanted to go back to my old ways.

There are days when I miss my mom, she and my sister made it worth living back when I lived with my parents. My mom is 33 now, she had me when she was sixteen and my sister when she was twenty. My mom told me how she was a rebellious teenager and never did what she was supposed to do. That's why she ended up the way she did, Without a job and two kids at a young age and married to an abusive man, she never said she regretted it, she always said it was a blessing. Mom told me that we were the best thing that's ever happened to us.

My father didn't just abuse me, he'd hit her too. Only because when she was sober she would try to protect my sister and I. My mom loved us, she really did. When I think about her It makes me sad. I wish things didn't go the way they did. My mom was a great person, besides her depression and alcoholic problem, she did what was best for her. I miss her, but I know she needs to help herself.

"Brooklyn?" Justin wraps his arm around my waist also looking into the mirror, I didn't notice I was crying. "Hey what's wrong?" He kisses my cheek. "I was just thinking about my mom and my old life. That's all." Justin wipes my tears for me. "Brooklyn I know the last weeks have been rough but I promise it'll get better." He kisses my lips.

"Thank you, now let's go." I pull his hand and we walk downstairs. "Well, Jaxon I'm out, Uncle Scooter and Yael should be back soon, don't do anything stupid" Justin scorns Jaxon and Jaxon just waves him off and goes back to playing his video game. "Teenagers." Justin shakes his head causing me to laugh. Did he not know he was still a teenager or?

Justin unlocks his car and we hop in. "Isabella and Ryan says arcade is a yes." Justin says pulling out of his driveway and heads to my house. "Well that's gonna be fun!" I smile at him and he smiles back. Since Justin lived two doors down from me, it only took a minute to get to my house. "Come in, I'm sure Jazzy and Bridget would love to see you." I roll my eyes. Bridget obsesses over Justin. She calls him 'gorgeous boy'.

I don't get mad because I actually know she's got a crush on Jaxon and I'm patiently waiting for them to go out. They'd be the cutest! Jaxon being exactly Justin I'm pretty sure he's already trying. Justin and I walk up to my driveway and I unlock the door.

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