Tonight has been amazing, considering its my first homecoming ever. Crazy, I've been attending this school for four years and never been to homecoming, well I was struck on Alex and how he never wanted to go, I missed out on a lot. Being here with Justin though makes it so much more worth it.
Currently I was sitting waiting for Justin to come back from getting me some punch, what a perfect boyfriend. My night was going perfect until my ex boyfriend decided to show up. "Hi princess how's your night." I roll my eyes and turn around, facing the asshole who had stood me up for this. "Alex what do you want?" I spat at him, who the hell did he think he was? He's not ruining this night for me, it was too valuable. "You know, you look so much hotter as a blonde, wouldn't mind fucking you." He licks his lips as he looks me up and down, I shudder, he just made me feel disgusting.
"Don't worry babe, it's nothing I haven't seen," Alex whispers in my ear. "You look really hot tonight you know that?" Alex asks taking a seat next to me. Of course I knew that dimwit. "Yes , and my boyfriend also knows that too." I smirk, Alex just laughs. "Oh Bieber," he spat the name out as if it was some sort of a disease. "He's not here is he?" Alex places a hand on my thigh and I gently remove it.
"You better stop." I scold, I really didn't want Justin to cause a scene and if Alex kept this up Justin was really gone have his head. "And whose gone stop me if I don't" Alex raises an eyebrow, before I could say anything Justin beat me to it. "Me." Justin hands me my punch before turning back to Alex. "Look , I really don't feel like beating your ass again tonight, so can we just skip that or do you really wanna revisit last time?" Justin raises an eyebrow and I was holding back a laugh.
"I'm just taking back what's mine." Alex wiggled his eyebrows at me and places his hands on my waist. "Touch her like that again, and I won't hesitate to remove your fingers." I could tell Justin was getting heated, so let me step in before things got even more heated, let me tell you though, angry Justin, was definitely hot, not now Brooklyn, later. "Come on Justin, he's not worth it." I get up and kiss his lips trying to call him down.
"Have fun, she's a great fuck." Alex laughs and everyone around him ooo's. Ugh Alex just SHUT UP already! "I swear I'm gonna kill him." Justin bawled up his fist. "Baby, calm down he's not worth it." I coo once again trying to calm him down. "And her pussy taste so sweet." I herd Alex say and I just wanted to slap him. "I got this baby." I smirk to him and turn to Alex.
"Hey everyone , Alex totally bragging about how great of a fuck I am, but let's talk about him, he sucks in bed. I could barely feel anything." I herd ooo's and ah's coming from the girls around me. "But I guess size shouldn't matter right? I mean considering Alex here is like two inches." Alex faced turned red hot as a tomato. "Oh come on Brooke, we all know you can do better than that." He motions to Justin and I roll my eyes. "And come on Alex we know I've done worse." I say making everyone in the crowd laugh. I didn't know where this confidence was coming from but I sure as hell loved it.
"Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go have some private time with my boyfriend , who has a lot more to offer than this idiot." I spin around and face my amazing boyfriend who just stood there smirking at me. "What?" I bluntly ask. "That was so hot" he grabs my waist and kisses my lips. "You know you look too Damn good in that suit, wonder how you'd look without it." I smirk and Justin laughs. "Horny now are we, ms Santiago ?" Of course I was, and Justin being a absolute sex on legs, it was very hard to keep a straight mind. "Come on let's get out of here." I whisper against his lips.
"Gladly." Justin interlocks his fingers with mine as we exit the gym. There was a lot of sexual tension between us, you could definitely feel it. I mean Justin hasn't had sex in months and neither have I, we're both beyond sexually frustrated, After tonight I don't think we'll be able to keep our hands off each other.

Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...